“It’s a twelve-dollar burger, how is that expensive?” I ask but she snorts

“Socket, I buy everything from the dollar store, that’s my extent of living”

“The dollar store” I ask her and she nods

“Yep, you can find a real bargain in the bargain bins” she tells me and I frown at her (she buys shit out of bins)

“What the fuck are bargain bins?” I ask her and her eyes light up

“Oh, I love bargain bins, its where at the end of a holiday or a special they have left over stock and they reduce the price”

“They reduce the shit that only costs a dollar” she nods her head the biggest smile on her face

“Yep, it’s the shit Socket, I can’t believe you’ve never been to the dollar store” I shake my head wondering what sort of shit they sell at a dollar store

“Ok darlin’ I’ll take your word for it” she takes another big bite and moans my dick now strainin’ in my jeans (what the fuck is wrong with me its Jewel’s sister) I watch as she takes a bite than a fry than a drink

“God this is so good.” I shake my head again and bite into my own burger and hold back the moan, the explosion of taste is fuckin’ perfect. As we finish up I pay the bill and we head back out to my truck, I watch as she puts the kid in the cradle for her seat and lean down and kiss the kid on the cheek her perfect ass at eye level and my dick jumps to attention even more than it already is. I walk her to the passenger’s side of my truck and open the door for her, she looks up at me blushing and I make sure she’s in before I close the door and walk to the back of my truck and pull on my dick (fuck this bitch has me fuckin’ hard). I take a deep breath and get into the truck “So where to now?” I ask her and she turns and looks at me

“I need to take Wiley to the sitter” she says but I shake my head no. “Socket I need to work please take me” she says almost beggin’ and it hits me in the heart

“No, you’re not workin’ at Pink Slip” I tell her and she takes a deep breath turning to face me

“Socket I need to work and Wiley needs things and shit is not free”

“Then I’ll buy it” I tell her and she laughs “What?”

“It was only last week you didn’t want anything to do with Wiley and now you want to buy all the things she needs” I look back at the kid behind me not wanting to tell Dove I’m doing this for her and not the kid

“Well, Wiley needs bottles and things doesn’t she?” I ask her and she bites her lip and I almost moan staring at them wondering what they taste like.

“Yes, but I can pay for them” she tells me and I smile leaning in

“Baby you don’t have a job” I tell her and she frowns her nostrils flare and I see her cute little face go from gorgeous to pissed off

“What do you mean I don’t have a job!”

“You quit” I tell her

“I WHAT!?”

“You quit” I tell her and she narrows her eyes her jaw clenching and her little fist ballin’ up and I swear my dick is gonna pop out of my jeans, I’m that fuckin’ hard at how cute she is

“Take me back to the clubhouse please” she says sitting back calmly folding her arms and my eyes stare at her tits again

“Dove” I say but she sits there fuming

“I said take me back to the clubhouse”

“No” I say and she turns looking at me

“Socket your being an asshole and I really need to get away from you before I lose my shit” she tells me and I smile (fuck I love her smart mouth)

“Ain’t happening” I tell her startin’ the truck and head back towards the baby store where I bought the car seat

“Where are we going?” she asks me

“To the baby store.”


By the time we leave the fuckin’ store I’m over a grand down and we hardly bought anything. I help her back into the truck and as I’m putting the kid in the back she turns and looks at me

“We can take things back” she says and I look up at her as she blushes


“It was really expensive and Wiley doesn’t need all those things now” she tells me as I get back in the truck and look at her

“Its fine Dove” I tell her but she keeps bitting her lip. “What?” I ask her and she turns to look at me

“I could have gotten some of that stuff from the dollar store” she says and I laugh shaking my head and she smiles