“But you…...just take a night off” Niya says and I shake my head

“I can’t I have to go, thankyou again I really appreciate your help today” I walk out to the main room when I see Chase again and I smile

“Hi” I say and he smiles back

“Hey neighbour” he says making me smile

“I wondered where you went”

“The Devils Soldiers are my family, it was time to come home” he says as a huge guy stands next to him his dark eyes watching us

“There your family?” I ask confused and he nods

“Yeah, my Dad and brother are in the club” he says motioning to the guy next to him

“Brothers?” I ask and the guy holds out his hand

“Blaze” he says and I take his hand

“Nice to meet you” I say stepping away needing to go. “I really have to go, it was nice to meet you Blaze, bye neighbour”

“Chase” he calls out and I smile

“Bye” I say walking out to my car placing Wiley in her basket (god I really need a car seat for her). I start to back out of the spot when the gates to the compound open and a big black truck drives in, pulling in behind me blocking me (god dammit) I’m totally going to lose my job, I get out of the car to ask the person to move when Socket comes around the front of the truck frowning at me

“Where the fuck, are you going?” he asks as I look at my watch again

“Look Socket, I’m not in the mood or have the time, I need to get Wiley to the sitter so I can get to work.” Wiley starts to fuss in her basket and Socket opens the door taking her out holding her and I smile in shock that he’s holding her, it was only a week ago he refused to even acknowledge that she was even his

“You’re not goin’ anywhere” he tells me and I step forward to take Wiley but he moves her out of my reach

“Socket, don’t be an asshole, I need to get to work” I tell him getting pissed off

“I said you ain’t going anywhere”

“Socket, stop fucking around I need to go”

“No” he says walking off with Wiley and I run after him

“Socket stop!” I try and grab Wiley but he walks around to the other side of the truck and opens the door placing Wiley in a car seat and I frown as he buckles her in “Socket what the hell?”

“Get in the truck Dove” he tells me and I step back staring at him

“Socket” I ask confused at what he’s doing and he turns facing me

“I said get in the truck” I shake my head and he sighs grabbing my arm and pulling me back around to the passenger’s side and opening the door. “Get in” he says pushing me closer to the seat and I look at him


“Get in the fuckin’ Truck!” I take a deep breath at his bossiness and climb into the truck and watch him walk around to the front of the truck getting in, I turn and see Wiley quite content and comfy in her new seat.

“Where are we going?” I ask

“To get something to eat I’m starving” he looks over at me “anywhere you wanna go?” I shake my head “Good the Smokin’ Grill it is” he says and I bite my lip not sure if I have enough for that and he laughs. “God Dove it’s just a burger” (yeah that I can’t afford)

“Sure” I say, maybe I could get a small fries or a kids’ meal.Chapter EighteenSocket

I watch as she sits going over the menu, she keeps looking around and I notice her squirming in her seat “What the fuck is wrong?” I ask her as she looks back down at the menu like it holds the secrets to the universe

“I can’t decide” she says as the waitress comes up and I grab the menu from her

“Two burgers with the lot, fries and two cokes” I tell her and she walks off smiling at me

“Socket I can’t afford that” she says and it fucks me off that she thinks I’d bring her here and make her pay for shit

“My treat darlin’” I tell her and she bites her lip and I roll my eyes. She sits back folding her arms and her tits sit up more and my dick jumps to attention (fuck she’s got nice tits). The food arrives and I watch as she relaxes as the kid sits in her car seat beside her

“God, this smells amazing” she says makin’ me smile

“You never been here before?” I ask her as she takes a big bite of her burger but shakes her head at the same time

“No, it’s too expensive for my life style” she tells me