“Shit darlin’ you ok?” he asks me holding my arms to steady me and I nod

“Where’s Wiley?” I ask him not sure what the fuck is going on

“In the kitchen darlin’” he tells me and I rush down to the kitchen, I need to get Wiley and take her to Delores’s. As I walk into the kitchen Niya and Zoey turn towards me the smells making my mouth water. I really don’t eat that much anymore and my bones are almost starting to stick out.

“Dove your awake” Niya says and I look around for Wiley

“Maggie’s just taken her for a walk”

“Where?” I ask panicked, I’m totally going to lose my job

“She was a bit fussy, are you ok?”

“I just need to get to work” I tell her noticing Wiley’s bag and Niya frowns at me

“Work?” she asks and I nod

“Yeah, I’m sorry for today but I need to go” Niya looks at Zoey

“What?” I ask

“Dove have you been taking pills?” she asks me

“It was just my back Niya last night I….” I cringe at the thought of last night at work, falling off of the stage was not one of the sexiest things I’ve ever done and never intend on doing ever again

“We heard” Zoey says and I cringe even more blushing with embarrassment

“Oh god, I’m never going to live it down” I mumble but they both laugh and I look at them

“It’s not that bad” Niya says and I give her the ‘yeah sure look’

“You didn’t see it, it was a disaster, I looked like a drowning rat trying to stay afloat in a sinking ship” I tell them both and they both laugh harder, Zoey holding her stomach

“Oh god Dove, don’t say things like that I almost wet myself” she says still laughing and I look at the clock again

“Dammit, I really need to go” I tell them both

“Dove, you don’t have to work at Pink Slip” Niya tells me

“Niya, I have no money” remembering the women stealing my purse (shit I need to cancel my card)Chapter SixteenSocket

When I got in from work, walking into the clubhouse I noticed Niya with two small little girls, and as I got closer I notice one was Dove’s (what the fuck)

“Hi Socket” she’d said as I looked around for Dove

“Why is she here?” I ask her, if Dove thinks she can just come and drop the fuckin’ kid off she’s got another thing coming like my hand on her gorgeous ass

“Dove got robbed and had nowhere to go” she says and I look down at the kid but she seems fine

“What the fuck happened?” I ask her my temper spiking ready to kick someone’s fuckin’ ass

“She fell asleep and a woman broke into her apartment taking Wiley and stealing her purse”

“What the fuck do you mean she stole the kid?” I ask confused

“Dove took a pain pill for her back and fell asleep, she woke up and a woman had broken into her apartment and tried to steal Wiley but took her purse instead” she tells me and I’m ready to get on my bike and go and look for the cunt that hurt Dove

“Where is she?”

“I had Cuff put her in one of the spare rooms”

“Which one?”

“Socket she’s burnt out she needs sleep”

“Which one?” I repeat needing to see her myself

“Third on the right.” I walk down the hall and open the door slowly walking in and notice her fast asleep in the middle of the bed all curled up. I sit on the side of the bed and watch her sleep, my dick pressing on my zipper (fuck she’s gorgeous). I lift a piece of her hair and rub it within my fingers, the soft curl twirling around my finger. I lift the piece of hair that’s covering her cheek and move it out of the way, her gorgeous skin so soft to the touch. I run my fingers over her cheek and down her neck and she moans in her sleep turning over to her back, she’s not as skinny as Jewel was, her body more curvaceous than her sisters. Her hand curves under her chin making me smile and I want to lean over and kiss her gorgeous lips. The need to taste her has my dick twitching to be inside her and I watch as her eyes move and she mumbles in her sleep, the cute little smile (fuck what are you doing) my brain screams at me (this is Jewel’s sister). I watch her sleep for ages never wanting to leave, it’s not until her dreams turn to a nightmare is when my heart jumps

“GIVE HER BACK!” she yells and I know she’s talkin’ about the kid and I think of what Blaze said about her apartment, it can’t be that bad. I get up and head back out to the bar where Chase is standing