“Dove” Maggie says and the way she says it like Niya did makes me shake my head

“How in the hell do you know what he’ll do, he might be happy to have a daughter” I say and they all just sit there looking at me “Please”

“Dove, we just can’t” Niya says and I look back at them all

“Is he one of the guys inside” they all look at each other again and I know he is

“So, she was dating one of the men here?”

“She was” Maggie says

“Just tell her” Abbey says and they all look at her

“Abbey, you know we can’t” Lilly says this time and Abbey rolls her eyes

“Your right, you all cant but I can” she says and I look at all of them as they turn and look at me not saying anything but I notice Lena nod

“His name is Socket” Abbey says and I frown

“Socket?” I ask her and she nods

“Yeah, Jewel and him where together for, what four years” she says

“Three” Lena corrects her

“So, you all think Socket is the Dad” they all nod not saying a word. “You all think he is and you’re not allowed to say because your husbands are all members” they all nod still not saying anything “And Abbey you’re not a member”

“No, my brother is though”

“But you can say something but they can’t”

“They’ll all get in trouble, me I don’t give a shit” she says and I smile thanking god she’s not a member’s wife, at least I know who Wiley’s father is.Chapter TwelveSocket

I watch as she comes back in the room looking around holding the kid, all the girls trying to stop her from coming in

“That looks serious” Cuff says and I watch as she turns towards Abbey saying something and Abbey points over towards Cuff, Lila and me. She starts to walk towards us Niya and Maggie by her side trying to stop her but she keeps walking than stops in front of the three of us, my dick hard from watching her walk.

“Which one is Socket” she says and I look at Niya and Maggie, both looking nervous and I see Colt and Stryker moving closer to us

“Why do you want to know that?” Cuff asks and she holds the kid closer to her

“Which one” she says lookin’ at us both raising her eyebrow

“I am” I tell her and she looks me right in the eye than looks at the kid

“Socket is it?” she asks and I nod

“I am” I say again and she turns the kid around

“This is Wiley” she says and I look at her again


“She’s your daughter” she says and I look at the kid laughing

“Darlin’ I think I would have remembered fucking you” I tell her taking a drink of my beer and notice her blush

“She’s my niece” she says and I look at the kid again

“Ok” I tell her and she rolls her eyes at me

“She was Simone’s and your baby” she says and I think I blanked out for a second

“What the fuck are you talkin’ about?” I ask standin’ up and I notice how small she is compared to me

“This is Wiley, and she is your and my sisters’ baby.” I notice every one watching us the room going deathly quiet

“Jewel didn’t have a kid” I tell her and she laughs

“Well, seeing that I’m holding her I think she did” she says and I want to bend her over and spank her gorgeous ass for being a smartass

“Then she never had a kid with me” I tell her and she shakes her head

“When did you break up?”

“A year ago,” she starts to bounce the kid on her hip

“Then there’s a chance she’s yours” I shake my head at her

“Darlin’ Jewel new I never wanted kids” I tell her and the day she left flashes in my mind, maybe she left because she was pregnant (fuck). I look at the kid again her blue eyes staring back at me but I shake my head “Nope, no way, that kids not mine” I tell her getting fucked off that Jewel might have done this (she wouldn’t)

“She could be” she says again but I shake my head stepping away from her

“Nope” I say as she steps forward

“Just hold her” I shake my head even more not looking at the kid

“No, I don’t want her” I tell her and she frowns at me

“But she’s your daughter!”

“No” I tell her walkin’ off towards the bar and grabbin’ a beer, but she grabs my arm and I swear a bolt of energy goes through my body at her touch

“Please” she says but I pull my arm out of her grip

“NO!” I yell this time, hopefully she’ll get it through her head I don’t want the fucking kid even if she was mine and the kid starts screamin’ and I roll my eyes grabbin’ a bottle and walkin’ off.