
The drive to the clubhouse had my heart racing, as I park my car I watch as they all pull into the compound one after the other and I lock the doors and head to the gate carrying Wiley in her basket. I watch as two vans pull in and women get out pulling kids with them, as the women start pulling out babies. I notice most of them are only a few months older than Wiley, I walk up to Niya “You made it” she says and I nod smiling. “Dove I want you to meet the girls, my sister Zoey and her two girls Isabella and Sophia, I look at Niya’s sister but Zoey talks first

“No were not twins” she says and I nod

“Ok” I say and she smiles

“It’s just everyone says it and it gets old after a while” I nod not really sure what to say

“That is Lilly with her daughter Willow and her two sons Cooper and Junior”

“Hi” she says and I nod

“Tink, and her daughter Meadow and the triplets Primrose, Caleb and Codi”

“Hi” I wave to a small blonde woman

“Ella and her son Harley and Widow and her daughter Arlia and her son Mason”

“It’s nice to meet you all” I say “are all the babies the same age?” I ask and they all laugh

“Around the same age give or take a couple of weeks” Niya says and I smile

“So, your Jewel’s sister?” the women named Widow says and I notice she’s wearing the same jacket as them men and not like the women

“Are you in the gang to?” I ask her a little confused

“Damn girl, don’t let the boss man hear you say that, it’s a club Dove, where not a gang and yes I’m one of the Brothers” I still look confused, I had no idea women were allowed to join, I mean I’ve watched Sons of Anarchy

“Come on Dove, let’s get inside I bet your hungry” my stomach rumbles and she smiles as I follow her in through the doors. The moment I walk in I notice the room is huge, people watch us all as we walk in moving out of the way “Come on Dove” Niya says and I follow her out through some doors to the back

“Sit” Tink says and I sit down placing Wiley next to me and look at the other women there

“Dove, that’s Maggie, Sheryl, Lena, Abbey and Chelsea” she tells me and I smile still feeling a little out of bounds and I notice one of the women is pregnant

“So, you and Jewel where sisters?” I think its Abbey who ask me and I nod


“Wow I’m really sorry, she was a great chick” I nod still confused at how my sister new all of these people

“You look so familiar” Lilly says

“I worked at the Highway Heaven Roadhouse” I tell her and she smiles

“That’s right I remember you, Tink and I use to stay at the Rainbow and come in for meals”

“I remember” I tell her smiling

“Wow, I never knew that Jewel and you where sisters” I shrug my shoulder

“Not many people did”

“It’s a small world isn’t it” she says and I nod

“It is”Chapter TenSocket

I watch as she walks out to the old ladies’ section carrying a basket, Lila sat firmly on my lap “Socket do you want another beer?” she asks and I nod, everything in me wanted to go and talk to her but I just sat there. What the fuck would I say, people always have the same response when they hear you’ve lost someone ‘Sorry for your loss’ like those words are gonna make it all better. As Lila comes back over she hands me the beer sitting back on my lap again

“You ok Brother?” Oki asks and I nod

“Yeah” I say as I skull my beer needing to just forget about today

“You sure?” he asks me and I nod

“All good Brother”


I watch the door for the next few hours when Chase come up

“You need a refill?” he asks me and I nod still feeling too much, as he walks off and Blaze and Cuff come over and sit with me

“You good?” Cuff asks me and I look at him

“Will you all quite fuckin’ askin’ me if I’m ok, I’m fine” I tell him and he looks at me questionably

“I was just askin’, no need to be a prick” I chug my beer needing a new one fast

“Well I’m fine”

“Ok, jesus.” Chase comes back over as she walks in with Lena and they head down the hall

“I know her” Chase says and I look up at him

“How?” wondering how in the fuck he knows her

“She lives in the apartment complex I used to live in” he says and Blaze spits his drink out

“She lives in that fuckin’ drug den” I look between the two and Chase nods