“That, and what happens to the Collins family. I hear congratulations are in order, not only for your little sister but for Dare, as well. I heard that right, didn’t I? Little Tabby is all married and having a baby with someone out in Denver? And our Dare has fallen for his innkeeper.” She gave him a somber look as she turned to face him. “I will say, as much as I joke about being the center of attention in this town, I truly wish the town hadn’t been forced to focus on what happened to them and the bar. Dare and Kenzie are okay though, right? I know Kenzie’s ex-husband is behind bars, but he deserves so much more than that for hurting that little girl.”
That she’d called Kenzie a little girl just reiterated the fact that Ms. Pearl was ageless.
Fox took her hand and gave it a slight squeeze. It seemed so fragile beneath his palm that he didn’t want to add any more pressure than he already had. “Kenzie and Dare are fine. They’re in love and talking about marriage and possibly more babies to add to the horde. The bar is fine after that slight incident, as well, and the asshole—pardon my French—who dared to think he could hurt my family is no longer a problem.”
He clenched his jaw and forced himself to relax for fear he’d end up scaring the poor woman with how angry he got just thinking about those who’d come for his family.
“I’m glad to hear it. Everybody deserves their happily ever after, even if it might not be quite what they thought it would be at first. Now, let me show you the house so we can talk about what kinds of stories will be told. And though I like to hear the embellishments that people speak of me, I do think, perhaps it’s time to air a bit of truth rather than just the mystery surrounding the myth.”
He relaxed at her words and followed her around as she told him a little bit about the history of the building and talked about exactly what they were going to work on. It would take time, he figured. This wouldn’t be a one-and-done interview, not when it came to this woman and her life. She deserved far more than a simple byline about a woman who had a story to tell. Her words about truth rather than mystery couldn’t have made him happier. Because as much as he loved the larger-than-life idea of her, he really wanted to get to know the woman behind the coy smiles and the showgirl feathers.
They were just about finished when Ms. Pearl gestured towards the living room once again, the sound of someone walking through the other side of the house hitting Fox’s ears. “I see my granddaughter is home. I’d love for you to meet her. She’s just moved to town to stay with me, and I’m thrilled. She’s a piece of my heart, you know. I’m honored that she’s taking time out of her life to spend it with an old woman.”
A very familiar voice filled the air, and he did his best not to react. “Yes, because it’s such a chore spending time with my favorite person in the world. And I cannot believe you just called yourself an old woman.”
Ms. Pearl winked and held out her arm. “Fox, I’d love for you to meet my granddaughter, Melody. Melody, this is Fox, that reporter I told you about.”
Fox had no idea how Melody wanted to play this. Did she want her grandmother to know that the two of them had already met? No one else needed to know how intimately they knew each other, but keeping secrets from the start never ended well. He would let her decide what steps they took since this was her family and not his.
“Hi, Fox, nice to see you again.” She smiled, but for some reason, it didn’t reach her eyes. From the pallor of her face, however, he had a feeling it had nothing to do with him and everything to do with how she was feeling. Was she sick? He would have to ask once he got time alone with her. He didn’t want to alert her grandmother and possibly worry her for no reason.
“You two know each other? Really?” The older woman drew out the last word, and Fox had a feeling he was going to be in trouble if he weren’t careful.
“Yes, Grandmother, we met at his brother’s bar when I first came to town to visit, and again at the same bar when I went to pick up my food. Dare’s onion rings are to die for.”
“True,” Fox said, relieved that she was sticking to the truth if not the whole truth. He hated lying.
“Though he didn’t ever mention to me that he was planning to report on you.”
Fox held up his hands. “I didn’t know the two of you were related or I probably would’ve mentioned it.”
“Oh, I know you would have. I was more worried about the fact that my grandmother never actually explained to me what kind of report you’re doing on her. I will not have her hurt, Fox.”
“Melody,” Ms. Pearl chided.
Fox shook his head. “No, it’s okay. I understand where she’s coming from. I’m not here to bamboozle your grandmother, try to steal her money, or tell lies about her. Ms. Pearl approached me about telling some of her life story. I say some, even though she didn’t because I have a feeling she wants to keep some secrets to herself. I’m fine with that because, unlike some reporters, I know there’s a line. I’m not going to hurt your grandmother, Melody. I can promise you that. She has lived a rich life and wants to share just a little bit of it. She’s an important icon to this town, and I’m honored that I get to show exactly what she means to this community—and possibly what this town means to her.”
Melody’s eyes filled with an emotion he couldn’t read, but it was Ms. Pearl who dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief.
“I knew I chose the right person for the job.” She patted his shoulder and moved to kiss her granddaughter’s cheek. “Now, I must go take my nap because, sadly, I’m at that age where I need naps during the day. I take solace in the fact that children do the same when they’re of an age, as well. I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting, Fox. I’ll have my people call yours to set it up.” Then she walked away, leaving Melody and him alone in the living room.
He stuffed his hands into his pockets, unsure what to do with himself. “I didn’t know you’d be here. Truly.”
Melody gave him a shrug, her face just as pale as he’d seen it when he first walked in. “I believe you. I’m just now realizing how small this town actually is.”
He studied her face and frowned. “Are you okay? You look pale.”
She rolled her eyes, her back stiffening. “Just what every girl wants to hear. I’m fine, Fox. I’m sure my grandmother will have her people…since she actually has people, which I find fascinating, call you. Now you know where I live, and I guess since Loch knows where I work, you do, too. No need to hide from each other. I want to make Whiskey my home, and I don’t want to screw it up. Okay?”
He nodded in understanding. She didn’t want to screw it up by screwing with him. He understood that. Honestly. Because they were only supposed to be together for one night. And now it seemed as if they would have to fight whatever attraction the two of them clearly had for each other to keep it just that one night. She didn’t want complications, and frankly, neither did he.
“I get you. Have a nice day, Melody.”
“You too, Fox. Just, um, take care of my grandmother, okay?”
He met her gaze and nodded. “I will. I always take care of the people I care about. And I care about this town. Meaning, I care about you, too, Melody. I’m not going to make it complicated and messy by saying anything more than that, other than the fact that if you need me, I’m here. I’d like us to be friends because it seems as if we can’t stop meeting each other like this.”
She swallowed hard, and he watched the long line of her throat work. “Friends. I can do that. I think I could use a friend.”
He didn’t touch her, though something deep inside him wanted to. Instead, he said his goodbyes and walked out of the beautiful home with the two beautiful people living within it. This story had just gotten a little deeper, a bit more complicated. But this was his job, and he would figure out a way to make it work. And he hadn’t been lying to Melody. He took care of those in his circle, and these two women were now in his circle. What that meant, he didn’t know, but he was curious enough to find out.