He pushed her back so he could look into her eyes. “Baby, you’re more than the King name. We both know that. Stop tearing yourself down because your father doesn’t realize how special you are.”

She sighed and ran a hand over his cheek. “You always see something in me that no one else does. Are you sure it’s even there, Harper?”

He fought the urge to turn his face and kiss her palm. “I see you, that’s what matters. Now, I’m going to take you upstairs and tuck you into bed so you can sleep off your drunk. In the morning, you and I can talk about exactly how you’re going to face this head-on. You can do whatever you set your mind to, and you don’t need your stinking father to make that happen. And while we’re at it, you don’t need Justin for anything.”

She snorted and tried to stand. When she wobbled, he got up, taking her with him and hoisting her into his arms. She was so freaking light, even with all those sexy curves. Ari wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed into him again.

“You’re acting like my white knight again, Harper.”

He made his way down the hall to her room, trying not to let the feel of her body against his seep into his bones. “I’m not the white knight, more of the dented armored stable boy.”

“Did stable boys wear armor?” she asked, sleepily.

“Well, they should have with all those swords and lances everywhere.” He tucked her into bed, her clothes still in place. He wasn’t that much of a saint, and even trying to get her comfortable by stripping her down would have been too much for him.

Harper leaned down and brushed a kiss against her forehead. “Get some sleep, and we can figure it all out in the morning. I’m here, Ari, I’m never going away.”

She didn’t answer, her chest rising and falling as she slept.

It was just as well; if she’d answered, he was afraid she’d say she didn’t need him, and he couldn’t live with that. Not anymore.