Chapter Eight
Harper stood on Arianna’s doorstep two days later, his heart in his hand and his head lowered. He’d been such an idiot, and he knew it. Now, he just had to pray that Ari would take him back.
He didn’t even have to knock on the door before she opened it. He looked up and held back a curse. She had dark circles under eyes and looked exhausted, but her hair was in place as was her perfect suit.
She could work through anything, he thought. She was so fucking strong, and somehow, he’d made her feel like she wasn’t—like he thought she wasn’t. Well, he was going to fix that, damn it.
Only fixing things was how he’d gotten into trouble in the first place.
“Harper,” she croaked.
He wanted to pull her into his arms, hug her close, and tell her she was everything to him. And yet, he couldn’t gain his footing.
“Arianna…I didn’t know if it was okay if I just showed up like this, but I wanted to see you.” Needed to see you.
“You could have used your key.” She moved back as she said it, and he took that as an invitation to go inside. She closed the door behind them and looked up at him, confusion in her gaze. “Of course, I didn’t really leave you an option to do that, did I?”
“I was afraid you’d change the locks,” he said honestly.
She snorted, but it ended on a silent sob. “Oh, Harper. How did we come to this? You’re my best friend. I never thought we’d end up here.”
“Here being together, or broken?” He stuffed his hands in his pockets so he didn’t reach out and touch her as he wanted.
She pressed her lips together. “I don’t know. I don’t know anything. I shouldn’t have blamed you for what I did, but not everything I said came out of anger about my father.”
He let out a breath. “I get that. I do. I never once wanted to make you feel like you weren’t strong enough to do anything you put your mind to. I just wanted to be by your side and do what I could to help. I didn’t realize I was stifling you in the process.”
She shook her head and took a step toward him. He wanted to count that as progress, but he wasn’t sure. “I was so afraid I was going to fail, and yet I was more afraid of what I would do when you weren’t there to catch me anymore. I didn’t want to rely on you because I didn’t know what we were. And add in the whole thing with Justin before, and it got a little confused in my mind. He’s gone, though, since he was never a threat to begin with, so to hell with him. But because of all of that, I jumbled up everything in my mind, and it made me act irrationally. I hate being irrational. You know that.”
He quirked a smile at that. “Yeah, that I know.” He took a risk and cupped her face with his hands. She didn’t pull away, and he let out a relieved breath. “Ari, I’m not going away. I know the first night I said it could only be for a night, but I lied. I want you. I want all of you, every day until the end of my days. You’re so fucking strong, so fucking amazing. I’m in awe of everything you do, and the fact that you let me be a small part of that is everything to me. But, baby, I love you. I’ve always loved you, and I’m not leaving. Not now. Not ever. You’re mine, damn it. I just got you the way I want you,” he said with a laugh as tears slid down her cheeks. “I’m not letting you go. And I know that’s the wrong thing to say after you tried to push me away because I was helping too much, but I need you to know that. Selfish of me, I know, but I love you so fucking much, Ari. So. Fucking. Much.”
She closed her eyes and leaned forward, leaving a soft kiss on his chest. “I fell in love with you, too. I don’t know when, though. I keep trying to remember a time when I didn’t love you, and I can’t think of it. It might have been a different kind of love before this, but you’re part of me, Harper. Deep down, you’re part of me. And I don’t want to let you go. And I know I have insecurities when it comes to doing things on my own, but I shouldn’t have thrown them on you.”
He kissed her then, his heart about to burst at the realization that she loved him. That she’d always loved him. “We’re not perfect, but that’s what makes us ideal for each other. You spend your days making everyone’s dreams come true, while I try to make them a home they can live in. I try to build one kind of foundation, while you lead the way for another. We’re a team, baby. And I know I didn’t come to you during the trial phase with Montgomery Inc., but that was because I was trying to make sure I didn’t put too much on your shoulders.” Her eyes flared, and he continued quickly, “But that was wrong. From now on, we’re a team in truth. We’ll both help each other. I promise.” He paused. “I got a promotion yesterday, by the way. Wes and Storm liked my work.”
She pulled back to punch him in the arm. “Of course, they liked your work. You’re freaking talented, and they would be idiots not to want you on their team as another foreman for many jobs to come.” She let out a breath. “I know you don’t want to clip my wings or stifle me, and I’m going to try to do better in letting others help.”
“And I’ll do better in not just jumping in and taking over.”
She laughed then, and he held her closer. “This might take practice.”
He kissed the top of her head. “We’ve got lots of time to practice, baby. Lots of time.” He paused. “Okay, this isn’t me stepping into it, but can you tell me what happened with your dad?”
She pulled away, her eyes going hard. “I called the police like I said and gave them what I could. There wasn’t much evidence on my end, but because I’d filed a complaint and there was just enough to get a warrant to talk to my dad, the officers found things on his computer. It seems my dad actually did something on his own without making others do it for him once in his life. Only this time, it’s going to give him a record. I don’t know what they’re going to charge him with.”
He let out a curse. “Holy hell.”
“Pretty much. I don’t know what happens next with him or King’s Weddings other than I’m not part of it. I’m working with Just for Them, and I’m not changing my plans there. I like these smaller weddings without the scary hoopla and ulcers. It sucks that my grandmother’s legacy might be gone, or at least tarnished, but I can’t look back anymore. Only forward.
“You’re her legacy, too, baby. She’d be proud of you.”
Her eyes filled. “Yeah?”
She tilted her head up, and he took her mouth once more. He’d fallen in love with his best friend, and damn it, no matter how they’d gotten here, he knew he’d do it again.
Arianna King was his best friend, his lover, and the love of his life.