And enough of that.

Brody winked at Arianna as he spoke. “You do look stunning, but I have to go with my girl here on who looks best.”

Holly swatted at him as Arianna shook her head. “Well, I would be a little annoyed with you if you’d said anything else. Can I just say thank you again for coming? Both of you. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without you.”

“We get cake out of the deal, so I’m happy.”

“It’s always food with you, isn’t it,” Holly teased.

Brody turned to her and grinned. “Well…not always food.”

Harper cleared his throat as he walked past the two lovebirds, and suddenly, Holly wasn’t the only person blushing in the side prep room.

The man sure could fill out a suit.

He stalked toward her, his eyes on hers, bright and dangerous. He didn’t touch her when he stopped right in front of her. Instead, the heat of him covered her body, and she wanted to slide her hands over his suit, his skin, every freaking inch of him.

“You look stunning,” he breathed, and she let out a shaky breath.

She was working for God’s sake. She didn’t have time to swoon like a young maiden in the arms of a dangerous rake.

“Arianna? We have a problem! The sprinklers just went off in the main room!” Colleen’s voice echoed in her ears, and Arianna froze.

“What? How? Is there a fire?” She ran as she spoke, the others on her heels. “Oh my God. Have we set the tables yet? No, we were waiting to do that until an hour from now because of dust issues in this place. Oh my God.”

This couldn’t be happening. Not again.

Why was it that every single one of her major events had issues like this?

Breathe, she told herself. Just breathe.

Assess the damage. Fix what she could, And find a solution.

She could do this. It was what she did best.

Though sprinklers had never truly been on her list of job requirements before this. She took a deep breath and entered the main room to survey the damage.

Well, it could be worse.

There could actually be an ark floating through the damn place with animals staring at her two by two.

“I’ll get on the sprinklers,” Harper said as he pushed past her. He was even undoing his tie as he splashed through the puddles on the way to the storage room like he was Superman on a mission.

Damn it. He had to save her once again, and she hated being his Lois Lane when it came to things like this.

The bottom of her dress was soaked, but she ignored the pang at the thought of the beautiful dress being forever ruined. There were far more important things going on right now.

“Okay, Colleen, head to the back and make sure the other rooms are dry,” she ordered. So far, Arianna had only seen this room under water, but they couldn’t be too careful. The wedding was supposed to start at the other venue soon before coming here for the reception. As she had only stopped by here to check on the place before going to the chapel, she knew she was running out of time to do anything productive.

Plans formulated in her head, and as soon as she opened her mouth to give people directions, the sprinklers stopped.

“Thank God,” she whispered. “Okay, this is what we are going to do.”

They quickly salvaged what they could, thankful that most of the pieces hadn’t been in this room, and worked to move everything outside to their Plan B station. They would need the outdoor heaters and make sure any leftover snow didn’t stand in the way, but they would make this work. The couple had originally wanted an outdoor wedding in February anyway, but their parents had wanted something a little more formal.

Well, by hell or literal high water, Arianna was going to give them a formal outdoor wedding.

She just needed to tell the bride.