Chapter Six

Weddings were aplenty during this season, but considering it had only been two weeks since the first one, Arianna felt like they were picking up steam. In fact, she was already well on her way to completing the second wedding, considering the vows were to be taken in less than four hours. As it was, she was already on her fourth list of things that she needed to do, which needed to be checked off accordingly. Soon, she’d slip into her dress—this one a long, flowing, silver number with thin, gauzy leaves, and a princess-cut bust—and really kick things into gear.

She couldn’t wait to see what happened after this one. Since her first wedding in the old winery, she’d picked up numerous contacts who had either never heard of her or had found out that she’d left her family’s company. They’d wanted to work with her—not with merely her last name.

People were finding out what she was capable of on her own without the fancy wedding business looming over her. Not that she’d ever thought of it as looming before, but now that she’d seen her way out of it all, well, now, things were different.

Considering everything that had gone on in the past two weeks…things were really different.

Arianna licked her lips, trying to push all thoughts of what exactly had gone on far back in her head, but she couldn’t. Not really. Not when all she could think about was the way the scruff of Harper’s beard felt on the sensitive skin of her inner thighs or the way his throat worked when he took a drink to rehydrate after making love.

With a sigh, she closed her eyes, willing herself to put those naughty thoughts on the back burner for the moment. Though once she did, it only left the way open for more damaging and stressful thoughts such as what the heck she was doing.

She’d slept with her best friend.

And liked it.

Okay, that last part was a given considering it was Harper, and he was great at every freaking thing he did. Plus, he could move like no other, it was a no-brainer that he’d be fantastic in bed. It just surprised her how…hot they were together.

Their chemistry was off the charts, and yet she couldn’t quite believe it was still happening.

He’d been sleeping in her bed with those strong arms wrapped around her every night except for the nights she slept over at his place. What was supposed to be a one-night affair where they got everything out of their systems turned into a…a….


She was dating Harper Rosso.

Arianna took a deep breath, letting that sink in.

It wasn’t just something that happened at night in the privacy of their bedrooms—or kitchens, she thought with a blush. No, other people had noticed the shift in their actions, as well. Harper no longer seemed to hold himself back from her, and constantly touched her in small caresses and brushes of lips.

Other than that, though, they hadn’t really changed.

That, above all else, scared her.

They still ate out together, still worked together, still went grocery shopping together because it was easier to fit everything in his truck than her car when she had wedding equipment inside.

It was as if they’d been a couple all along and she’d never realized it.

She would have realized it, though, right?

Arianna shook her head again and officially pushed Harper, sex, and relationships beyond the current B&G out of her mind. Nope, she wasn’t going to think about that. Instead, she’d worry about the thousand white roses and azaleas for the outdoor ceremony.

Outdoors. In winter. In Colorado. Right before Valentine’s Day.

The bride wanted no color.


None but the green of the stems that couldn’t be ignored.

There were white draperies, off-white bridesmaid dresses, three white cakes, including a white groom’s cake, and white tea lights on the tables for the reception afterward. All of the linens were white, and the china was white edged with silver.

Silver being the grace color considering the bride needed an accent of some sort.

Hence why Arianna was currently pulling on her dress to ensure that she wouldn’t have to run to do it later.

“You look good enough to eat. Or at least nibble and lick up.”