But that would be no more.
After this meeting, she’d finally have her vindication. She wouldn’t be the one behind the man, doing all the work while her father got all the credit. Honestly, despite the title behind her father’s name, Arianna wasn’t sure when the man had last planned a wedding.
In fact, if Arianna thought too hard about it—which she tried not to do since she had way too much on her plate as it was—she wasn’t sure her father had ever planned a wedding.
Dear Lord.
Nope, she wasn’t going to think about that. Not when she’d heard through the grapevine—meaning from her father’s big-breasted, doe-eyed secretary—that her father was retiring.
Arianna wouldn’t be doing her jig yet, but holy crap, she couldn’t wait. Once her father, the man she’d learned to live with at a young age because she’d been forced to, was out of the proverbial picture, Arianna would be free. Free to do what she needed to keep King’s Weddings as one of the leading planning firms in Denver, as well as manage it to the point where everyone could sleep at night and not get ulcers.
When she turned the corner and entered the lobby to her father’s office, she raised her chin and let the cool mask she’d perfected all those years ago slide into place. To Xavier King, one did not clap, smile, laugh, or act the common peasant. One had to remain stoic, proud, and professional at all times.
Her second skin may have been ice, but she’d learned to take the pressure and emotional beatings until nothing could crack it.
To say she’d been waiting for this day her entire life was an understatement.
She could have left before, could have found a new way to make her life, but she loved what she did, and it was her family’s name on the walls. It was her family’s legacy that she needed to be a part of.
Her phone buzzed right then, and she held back a curse. Her phone was always buzzing with her numerous clients needing things. It was a wonder she ever found sleep at all. When she checked the screen, she smiled. This time, it wasn’t a client; it was her friend, Holly.
Good luck.
Arianna smiled and texted back. Holly had perfect timing, apparently.
Thanks! I’ll call you when I know more.
Kick butt!
Arianna cleared her throat.“Daisy, I’m here for my father.”
Daisy looked up from her phone and smiled, the confusion on her face a usual occurrence. Arianna might have tried to like her if the woman weren’t so bitchy most days. She wouldn’t last long as her father’s latest conquest, but at least Daisy looked like she was having fun.
And on that revolting thought, Arianna raised a brow. Be ice, she reminded herself. Be ice.
“Oh, go on in,” Daisy said breathlessly. “Xavier, I mean, Mr. King is waiting for you.”
Arianna nodded before turning toward the door, letting thoughts of Daisy leave her mind, and the future behind that thick piece of oak taking their place. She gave a quick knock and then walked in. If her father were waiting for her, then he expected her to come right in and not waste time. Wasting time was not for Kings.
Her father sat behind his gleaming wooden desk, his hair just now becoming more salt than pepper, and the perpetual scowl he wore when he wasn’t near clients on his face.
“You’re late.”
Arianna didn’t let the bite of his words sting, not when she’d heard far worse. Today meant something more than callous words and being ignored. Today meant change. She had to believe that.
“I’m sorry, last-minute wedding detail,” she explained. Not that her father would know anything about those kids of things, but whatever.
Her father waved a hand, already moving on to another topic in his head. “Take a seat next to Justin and let’s get started.”
Arianna blinked and looked down at the man she hadn’t noticed sitting in front of her father’s desk. Odd, because she always tried to notice when Justin Rosso was around. Not that she panted after him, but because she wanted to stay clear of the greasy creep.
What the hell was he doing in her meeting? The meeting where years of hard work would finally be completely worth it.
That familiar feeling of dread and disappointment threatened to claw at her belly, but she shook it off. Justin was her father’s lackey, so she supposed it made sense in a weird sort of way that he would be there for this.
Sort of.