Storm narrowed his eyes as if he didn’t want to drop the conversation, and Harper understood that. All of the Montgomerys had a sense of honor that he wished existed within his own family.

“You got the first things set up. Though, dude, you didn’t have to do it all on your own,” Storm began. “That’s what the crew is here for. You’re not just temp contractor anymore. You’re here to help us keep in line with some of the older foundations and details.”

“What he said,” Wes put in. “And before we go through the details of what we need to finish up today, tell me what you’re planning to do about Arianna.”

Thoughts of bending her over the counter while pounding into her, loving the little gasps that escaped her mouth filled his mind, and he cleared his throat.

Probably not the best place for his thoughts to go while sitting in front of his bosses.

“Uh, plans?”

Smooth, Harper. Smooth.

“Plans. With Ari. Do I want to know what you’re thinking about?” Wes asked.

“I’m fine. Really. Justin just screwed up my head a bit.” It wasn’t a lie, but Harper wasn’t about to tell Wes and Storm what he’d been thinking about. Though from the looks on their faces, they’d figured it out for themselves. “As for Ari? Well, I’m going to help her in any way I can.”

Storm nodded. “She’s your best friend so I get that you’re helping her. But at some point, you’re going to have to tell her what you’re feeling. Watching her move on and walk away and her not having any idea what you’re thinking isn’t going to help anyone. It’s just going to make you bitter, and hurt her in the process.”

Harper pressed his lips together and studied the other man. Storm always had a way of knowing exactly what to say and yet not being an ass about it. Harper had a feeling Storm knew more about what he was talking about than he let on, but from the confusion on Wes’s face, no one else knew exactly what was going on in Storm’s mind.

With a sigh, Harper ran a hand through his hair. “Let’s get back to work and not talk about our feelings. How does that sound?”

Storm grinned but didn’t say anything, and Wes laughed. The two were fraternal twins so they didn’t look exactly alike, but when they smiled, Harper saw the resemblance.

The Montgomerys owned Montgomery Inc. and had since their parents built the place from the ground up. Not all of the family worked there, but many of them did, and now more and more of their spouses had ended up in the company, as well. They were all big, a little gruff, and all inked. It helped that two of their family members also owned a tattoo shop. None of Harper’s ink had been done there, but he had a few ideas for his next tattoo, and he knew where he’d be going.

He slowly started to relax as he pulled old drywall and sweated through his shirt. Working with his hands had always helped him think when his mind went in a thousand different directions. This was why he’d wanted to work with the Montgomerys and why he was glad he’d stayed in Denver even if he’d have been better off away from Justin and all the crap that came with him. He could focus on what mattered and think about what was important even while doing a damn good job.

As he worked alongside the Montgomerys and listened to them talk business and their family, Harper knew he had to do something. He’d been standing on the sidelines for far too long, and he knew he’d only hurt both him and Arianna in the end if he didn’t tell her how he felt.

He’d just have to find a way into her heart and pray he was already there in some way. He loved that woman in every way he could, and he wanted, no, he needed her to know it. Now that she was finally free of the place that had slowly started to eat away at her, he could be the man he wanted, the man he hoped she needed. But revealing what he felt when she was starting her new life could end up hurting them both in the long run. He needed to take his time, wait just a little bit longer, and make sure she knew he was there. However she needed him. And when she had her first wedding under her belt… Then, he’d show her what they could have, what he felt.

He just prayed she felt the same way.