Page 61 of Passion Restored

Too damn bad.

Owen had done all he could to sway the man, and the board had gone with cheaper labor in the end. Not his problem.

“Well, you see, the Roland Group is in a bit of a bind and could use your help.”

Owen nodded, gesturing for the man to continue. He wasn’t surprised that they were in a bind, but he didn’t know why this man was here now, asking for help.

“The company we hired is going back on a few promises that weren’t laid out in the contract, and the city board isn’t happy with the changes that are coming. They’re actually really not happy. Plus, it looks like these guys are under investigation now for cutting corners on a previous project, and well…needless to say, the Group needs your help.”

Owen shook his head. “I don’t know what I can do for you, Clive. You turned us down, and we’ve already started filling the block we left for you.”

“We can give you an incentive to drop them.”

This man was a piece of work, for sure. And Owen was just now realizing how lucky they were that they hadn’t gotten the job. While on paper, the Roland Group was first class, he could see that they’d gotten there by underhanded means that hadn’t been whispered about anywhere Owen could find. And even though his brothers should have been here to help make this decision, Owen knew what his answer had to be. They’d trusted him before, and damn it, he’d earn that trust again.

“We can’t do that.”

“At least think about it.”


“What the hell is going on?” Liz asked from the doorway.

Owen stood up. “Liz?”

“Don’t ‘Liz’ me,” she snapped. “What are you doing here, Clive?”

Owen frowned as he moved toward her. “You know him?”

Liz snorted. “Like you didn’t know.”

“I’ve asked you to call me Dad, not Clive,” the old man said shakily, and Owen froze.

She’d told him her father had a different last name, but never in his wildest dreams would Owen have thought Clive Roland was Liz’s father. However, now that he looked at them, he saw that they had the same damn eyes. He swallowed hard, trying to get his bearings, but the look of betrayal on Liz’s face rocked him to the core.

He’d made so much progress with what they had together, but he knew if he didn’t say the right thing, do the right thing, he’d lose her forever.

“I didn’t know,” he croaked.

“How can I believe you?” she asked, her eyes wide. “How?”