Page 18 of Passion Restored

Jake and Graham shared a look but stayed out of it.

“Why, big brother, got a crush?”

“Murphy,” Owen warned. “Watch it.”

Murphy just grinned. “Oh, get over yourself. I didn’t do anything to her and didn’t say anything that would make her feel uncomfortable. She was working for freak’s sake. All I’m saying, brother mine, is that maybe you should do something about that jealous streak of yours when it comes to your new sexy neighbor instead of growling at me for letting her look at my hand when I was in the ER.”

Once again, Jake and Graham shared a look, and Owen wanted to throw something at them. He didn’t know why he had this fascination with Liz, but he knew that one day soon, he would either have to forget about it completely or actually do something about it.

“If you’re done ragging on me, I’m going to finish eating so I can get back to work. And don’t think I’ve forgotten the mess you guys left for me.”

“You like organizing things,” Graham explained. “Think of it as a welcome back present.”

Owen flipped him off and continued to eat, ignoring the way his brothers continued to tease him. Well, at least things were getting back to normal. His brothers were being assholes, and he was making lists on what to do about them and the job.

Getting hit by a car could only slow him down so much, damn it. Soon, he’d be back to fighting form and then…and then he might just see how friendly his neighbor would let him be.