She shuffled from foot to foot, and he had a feeling she’d planned out her speech and didn’t know what to do after that. He still didn’t quite understand why she was here, but he found he liked it.
They’d had three very different encounters until now, and for some reason, he had a feeling that meant something. Of course, from the way she kept looking around, he also felt that she wanted to walk right out the door and never look back.
“Well, I hope you feel better. I left Tessa alone with the movers, so I need to make sure they’re in one piece. Bye, Owen. Heal well.”
“Thanks for the cookies, Liz.”
She gave him a quick nod before turning and walking out of his house, flipping the lock as she did. He had a feeling she didn’t truly want to look back and see him again. After all, he was just some guy from a bar, just some guy who’d gotten hit by a car, and now, just some guy who lived next door.
He wasn’t anything to her.
And yet, for some reason, she intrigued him enough that he wanted her to be something to him.
The pain in his ribs pulsed, and he cursed. Before he did anything, however, he needed to heal. Needed to be the Owen he used to be, where he could handle anything without passing out from just walking to the bathroom.
He’d get there, damn it, because if he didn’t, he might just go crazy.