“That can’t be good,” I said as my lips curled.

“He is dislodging the soul from its shell,” Ben said next to my ear. “Without a host, its energy will crumble and it will be gone.”

“I thought you said there was no way to defeat it before?”

“You never told me you had a reaper in your midst. They are very rare.”

I had no idea I had a reaper in my midst either. Seeing Ray in action was totally surreal. Salvation indeed. He was a maniac.

After a minute Ray unlatched and threw his head back, gasping. He opened his mouth toward the sky and a shimmering mist erupted like hot breath on an icy day and shot skyward. “Hannon,” Ray gasped, still emptying his lungs. “It won’t—”

“It seeks.” Ben’s thin, breathy voice shook with fear. “It still holds too much power.”

“What’s wrong?” I asked urgently. “What are we supposed—”

Before I knew what was happening, Ray dove for my father right as the shimmering mist plunged into his body.

My father convulsed once on the ground and his legs began to kick.

Tyler collided with Ray before I could stop him.

He grabbed him around the throat and dragged him away from our father, moving quickly.

“Tyler!” I shouted, running after them. “What are you doing?”

“He’s going to bite him,” Tyler yelled, his voice full of emotion and panic. It swirled in my veins, his instincts coming to the forefront, more wolf than human. “I can’t let a vamp bite him. My wolf won’t allow it to happen. He’s our Alpha.”

“Tyler, listen to me. You’re not thinking straight. If you don’t let him do this, Dad will die,” I said as calmly as I could. Tyler snarled and gnashed his teeth and I held my hands up. If Tyler broke Ray’s neck, it would take too much time for him to heal. “You have to let him go. That thing is in Dad. Ray is the only one who can help him. And if we don’t hurry, he dies.”

“I can fly, you meathead,” Ray grunted. “Do you want to go for a ride?”

“Shut up,” Tyler spat. “I don’t trust you. You just let that thing go and because of it, it landed in my father. Why should I trust you?”

“Tyler, you need to be reasonable. I know you’re freaked out and I am too.” I injected as much reassurance into our bond as I could. Tyler’s wolf was fighting him for control, rearing up to save his Alpha. “But we have to do whatever we can to save Dad.”

“She’s right,” Danny added, treading cautiously. “You have to let him go, mate. He’s not just a vampire—he’s a bloody reaper. He sucked that thing clean. This is what the child oracle was talking about. This is why Ray is here. He can help us. He’s the only one who can help us. You must release him.”

Rourke eased in behind Tyler.

I nodded once. My brother’s irises swirled in anger and confusion as Rourke took him by the shoulders.

“Get off me, cat,” Tyler snarled.

Let go of Ray.

“The reaper must do his job. The wolf will not last.” Ben’s voice was in my ear. “The Strigoi is too strong, and it’s gaining more power by the second.”

Tyler, let him GO! I hurled power into the words like never before.

Tyler dropped his arms and Rourke walked him backward. Ray lunged at my father, taking him around the neck, sinking his fangs in deeply.

I closed my eyes.

Rourke was next to me before I opened them. “I get it now,” I whispered as I watched Ray, wrapping my fist into Rourke’s shirt. “He’s a reaper, but not a vamp reaper. He’s a reaper and a vamp.”

“You have to be born a reaper,” Rourke said, pulling me closer. “I’ve never heard of one being made. It’s an ancient race.”

“My blood must have triggered something he already had inside. By all rights he should’ve died many times over on that journey. Eamon ripped his neck out and he still had a pulse. And he’s always been immune to persuasion. I thought I’d seen something in him once, but he never smelled like a supe, so I dismissed it.”

“A vampire mixed with a reaper is a deadly combo if you ask me,” Rourke murmured close to my ear. “We’re going to have to watch him carefully.”

Tyler paced ten feet away, his head in his hands. There was nothing I could do to comfort him. We both had to endure Ray as he tried to save our father.

I glanced up at my mate, shivering. I was bone weary and the fight hadn’t even started. I could hear the sorcerers arming themselves outside the walls, and the Queen still stood on the roof, arms raised. We were running out of time. “Do you know what a reaper is exactly?” I asked while we waited. Ray was still hunched over my father. I tried to block out the noises.

“I’ve never known of one,” he answered. “But from history, they are said to have control over souls, sending them to their next resting place when they die. It’s pretty clear he can catch them. Other than that, I don’t know.”

“They can also pull a living soul from a body,” Naomi replied quietly as she neared. “Selene had one in her employ, before she got wary and killed her. They are an asset, but they can also be deadly. A reaper can kill by taking a healthy soul from its host. The stronger the reaper, the bigger the supernatural soul they can snatch.”

That was a lot to take in.

Ray made a gargling noise and finally staggered backward.

Then he doubled over and vomited.


The stuff pouring out of him was putrid. Globs of yellow mixed with blood.

“Jesus, Ray!” I shouted. I broke away from Rourke and took a step toward him and then one back. I didn’t want to get close to whatever was ejecting out of him.

My father twitched and raised his shaggy head slowly. I rushed to him, my hands grazing lightly over his fur. Are you okay? Is that you?

Did you let a vampire drink me? His voice was sardonic and I almost cried out in joy.

He sounded like himself, or at least on his way.

I tentatively pushed some power into him, searching, but I didn’t feel the Screamer or the masses anywhere. That vampire just saved your life.

Ray was still churning out the mess a few feet away. He’d managed to suck out the curse, but he was paying for it.

“Good grief, man. That’s a nasty business,” Danny commented. “Glad I’m not in your shoes, then. I’d likely choke to death on the first go.”