“The lesser demons have to be cooperating with spell casters to get on this plane,” Rourke said. “So the sorcerers would be the most logical choice, since they’re gunning for you already.”

I turned around, frustrated. “This is crazy. Sects don’t team up with each other like that. Especially demons. They don’t make allegiances with others.”

Rourke grinned. “You might want to take a look around at your current allies. Cats, wolves, vamps, and witches all working together. Things are changing in our world very quickly.”

I glanced at the two vampires in front of me. Ray had jumped off the roof and stood next to Naomi. “Yes, but we didn’t team up on purpose. It just … sort of happened,” I ended lamely. I’d been the first Pack wolf to swear an oath to the Vampire Queen, which is how Naomi and I met. And I’d done it in a matter of days after my first change.

“You just became a vamp Master willingly.” Rourke chuckled. “Your secretary, and best friend, is a witch. Her aunt, the most powerful witch in the country, just helped us escape, and her daughter is giving us information to help save your father. Jessica, there’s no doubt in my mind you were put on this earth to change things up in a big way. The moment I met you my world turned upside down, and so did each of ours.”

“He’s right,” Ray said. “My life couldn’t be any different than it was just a few weeks ago. When I saw you that day at your apartment, I knew you were different. Something had changed, but I didn’t know what. Now look where I am.”

“It could all be just a big coincidence,” I said, even though I knew that wasn’t true.

“Jessica,” Rourke said. “I wouldn’t change any of this. It’s time to shake things up. This feels right. The supernatural world has been stagnant for my entire life. It’s time for all of us to evolve and change.”

“I agree,” Danny piped in. “A world with too much repetition is a drag. We have been the same for far too long. Plus, I like having a female Alpha. Makes me feel daring.”

Ray walked up to me with a swagger in his step, his new power hitting my skin in small pressure points. “Your detective pal, Nick, is on the road, just so you know. He’s not too far. You should probably go get him before he drives through one of those circles and gets himself hurt.”

My head snapped to Tyler and Danny. “Did you tell Nick to come here?”

Tyler shrugged, moving forward. “Yes and no. We all left the Coven together and he was with us when we went back to the Safe House and saw Naomi. He knew roughly where we were heading. He’s one of your best friends, Jessica. You can’t keep him out of danger forever. He’ll survive. He’s smart. We need all the help we can get and he knows that.”

It was selfish of me to want to keep him out of harm’s way. He was worried about us and had a right to be here. “What’s he driving?” I asked.

“A big black Suburban,” Ray answered.

“Sweet,” Tyler hooted. “That means he has the Safe House truck, which is stocked to the hilt with supplies. That’s why I love Nick; he’s always thinking.”

“Even sweeter”—I glanced around the group—“we all have a ride to New Orleans.”


I was dressed in my own clothes, waving my arms like an air-traffic controller on the side of the road. We’d just come down the mountain and I was trying to flag Nick down without giving him a heart attack. The Porsche purred quietly next to me. Rourke was waiting not so patiently inside. Danny, Tyler, Naomi, and Ray were back at the stream waiting for us to return with Nick.

The Suburban’s headlights finally flashed into view and I jumped up and down. When Nick saw me, he slammed on his brakes and bumped onto the shoulder. By the look on his face, I’d surprised the hell out of him. I could’ve done a supernatural maneuver, but why make things more complicated? My arms worked just fine.

Naomi had spotted him from the sky a half hour ago. But rather than her stopping him, because they didn’t know each other, we agreed it should be me. He hadn’t been on the right road, but we’d cut across a few back roads to reach him.

The moment his tires came to a halt, he was out the door. “Jess, what’s going on? Are you okay?” He ran toward me and grabbed me up into a big bear hug.

“I’m fine.” I hugged him back. “I just didn’t want to give you heart failure, so we thought this was the easiest way. Nobody’s phone works out here, so we couldn’t warn you we were coming.”

“Well, it worked,” he said. “Seeing you on the side of the road was completely unexpected. But I was coming to find you, not the other way around.”

“We had to make some quick changes to the schedule. We’re leaving early for New Orleans, as in—we’re leaving right now. Strange power blips are popping up all over. We think it may be the demons working with sorcerers, so we’ve got to skedaddle out of here. Circles are popping up all over. Jump back into the Suburban and follow the car. Tyler, Danny, Naomi, and Ray are a few miles away.”

“I’m sorry, but did you just say the demons and sorcerers are working together?” he asked, already heading back to the SUV without question. “I’ve never heard of that happening.”

“Neither had any of us, but that’s the best guess we have at the moment,” I said. “Ray, of all people, picked up on the magic when he was flying around.” Rourke tapped the horn. “We have to get moving. I’ll explain it all later. I promise. I know I owe you so much, but I can’t explain it all now. I’m going to be sequestered in this car, because it’s spelled, until we hit New Orleans. Once we’re there we’ll work out a decent plan.” I walked over and slid into the waiting Porsche.

“Ray,” Nick muttered as he slammed the door of the Suburban. “Who would’ve guessed?”

That’s fine, Tyler, but you can’t risk anyone seeing you. He, Nick, and Danny were in the SUV behind us and we were having an internal conversation. It was four in the morning and we were a few hours outside of New Orleans.

It was more than time to try and connect with our father again, so we were deciding on the best course of action. I was getting more and more anxious by the moment. Maggie hadn’t given Tyler any specific details, only that we needed to arrive in New Orleans soon. Now that we were closer to the city limits, it was time to try again.