She huffed out a bitter laugh. “But they mark me as different in a school where status is everything. Just look at your fraternity. It’s all about legacies and making connections with future leaders of America—and their rich families. Do you think those kinds of people are going to accept someone like me, someone with my background, as a peer? You know as well as me that they’d look down on someone who comes from a small town. Who’s the first person in their family to go to college. And who has to take a job as a maid just to have a roof over her head.”
I let her words sink in. She wasn’t wrong about some of the people at Langley—or my fraternity—but anyone who thought that way wasn’t being fair. Hailey deserved to be here just as much as anyone else, if not more. I processed her words, trying to think of the right thing to say.
“So you got a scholarship here?” I asked finally. She nodded. “One of the ones for Georgia residents?”
“Yes. But it doesn’t cover everything. Only tuition and fees. And not even those for the summer. I guess they figure most people in my position go home for the summer.” Her voice faltered, and I caught the glimmer of tears in her eyes. She blinked them away quickly, her expression hardening. She didn’twant pity, and I wasn’t about to let her see any. But I couldn’t help feeling a pang of sympathy—and admiration—for how much she’d endured.
“I’m sorry it’s been so hard for you. I can’t even imagine.” It was true. I’d never had to wonder where I’d stay the night. Never had to work multiple jobs just to keep my head above water. Though my family didn’t have quite the wealth and power of the Forsythes, we’d had everything we ever needed. And my parents had supported me every step of the way.
Hailey’s eyes were darker as she stepped out of the sunlight. “Sometimes, I wish I’d just gone to a state school.”
“Because then maybe I wouldn’t be that different. There have to be lots of students who work part-time and struggle to make ends meet at a state school. I wouldn’t be so different, so looked down on.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re at Langley. Why'd you choose it?”
She hesitated, then told me about the year she’d taken off after high school. How she’d worked tirelessly, saving every penny she could to make her dream a reality. And how she’d taken care of her grandfather after all those years of him taking care of her. And how he’d passed away at the beginning of the year.
“My grandpa always said that it was the best school in the country,” she said, her voice softening at the memory. “Every year, we’d drive up here, he’d treat me to lunch, and then we’d walk around the campus.”
“I bet you enjoyed that. The campus is beautiful—with the exception of Miller Hall.”
That earned me a small smile from her, and for a moment, the weight in the room seemed to lift. I got the feeling there were still some things she wasn’t saying, but I’d pried enough for oneday. Catching the wayward dog had bought me some leeway, but I’d probably used it all up.
“I’m sorry about your grandfather.”
“Thank you.” We walked to the door together, and then she held out her hand for her book bag, which I still held.
But when she reached out like that, it gave me an idea. “Can I give you a hug?”
Her gaze met mine. “I don’t want your pity.”
I shook my head, taking a step toward her. “Is that the only reason a man might want to give a woman a hug? A beautiful woman who works harder than anyone I know?”
She looked torn. When she took the bag out of my hand, I thought she was rejecting my offer. But then she set it down and stepped into my embrace.
It was all too easy to wrap my arms around her slender body. To stroke her hair. To press her against my chest and hold her tightly. “Now does it feel like I’m pitying you?”
Her voice was muffled by my shirt. “I don’t know.”
How could I get through to her? When speaking plainly didn’t work, sometimes humor did. “Honestly, Hailey, if I were going to hug anyone out of pity, it would be Nelson. And then my clothes would smell like weed.”
She leaned back to look up at me as she gave a little laugh. Her smile seemed genuine as she traced a finger along the sleeve of my shirt. “And they’re really nice clothes.”
I grinned, glad she thought so, but I wasn’t wearing anything special today. Just a short-sleeve button down shirt and black faded jeans. “Thank you.” Her finger was now trailing along my bicep, making my skin sizzle from her touch.
Burying my fingers in her hair, I angled her face up. Her lips were so full. So warm-looking. I wondered what they’d taste like. I wanted so badly to dip my head down and find out. But her eyes—her eyes were still troubled.
She seemed content to stay where she was, pressed up against me. Her body was so warm. Her pink lips parted, and her voice was husky. “Theo, I—” She trailed off. Then she looked away. “I pity him, too.”
“Nelson. He’s always in his room—that can’t be much of a life for him.”
Why were we still on this topic? But I knew why… she was nervous. Nervous in a different way than when I’d revealed that I knew she was a student.
I smoothed her hair away from her face and put my finger under her chin, lifting until our eyes met again. “I'm definitely not thinking about Nelson right now.”