I stood up. “Good luck with all of that.” I gestured toward his desk.
He nodded in acknowledgement. “I’ll send you a link to the application, but you’d better tell your friend there’s a shit ton to prepare, and there’s not a lot of time left before the deadline.”
“I’ll do that. Thanks.”
He was a good guy. Hailey was lucky to have him on her side, even if she didn’t yet know he was.
It tookme the entire weekend to recover from the party. I’d never been around that many people at once. There were more people in the row, Kappa Alpha, then in my high school back home. It was unbelievably loud, wild, and crazy.
Plus, kind of fun.
Grand had warned me that I would receive an education at the party, and I did. I didn’t know my fellow students could act like that. Lose so much they didn’t care what they did or what people thought. There was a lesson to be learned there somewhere. Of course, one of those lessons was not to drink to the point where you couldn’t stand up.
I’d enjoyed spending time with Ian, too. I hadn’t done that much before the party, but I liked his style when he was behind the bar. He had a friendly word for everyone, but he knew when to step in, like when a random guy was bothering me or some other woman.
I grinned. The women of the party had been impressed with him, too. He wore a black button-down shirt that was open at the neck and tight jeans. I saw more than one leaning over the bar tocheck him out, which usually made their breasts spill out of their dresses, but they didn’t seem to care.
That was another thing I was surprised about. People were making out in corners of the room, and sometimes not even the corners. Either they were natural exhibitionists, or alcohol really did lower your inhibitions. Probably both.
So yeah, it was quite the experience, but I hoped there wouldn’t be another party anytime soon. Although it was really nice to see someone else clean the house besides me. The cleaners they’d hired had somehow whipped the place into shape in a matter of hours. They did so much that I was able to cut back on my cleaning a bit, although I was careful not to let Bennett know that. But it gave me some time to decompress.
Although the party was interesting, it was also loud, and the music gave me a headache. I was very grateful once Ian walked me to my room, and I was able to shut the door behind me.
I felt almost human again by Monday, and I was able to easily follow along in class. And when I went to walk Sunny afterwards, I kept an extremely tight grip on her leash. Of course, the entire time I was inside the condo, I was thinking about Theo and how good it felt when he kissed me.
Surprisingly, I hadn’t spent too much time overanalyzing it He was my friend, and yes, it had felt amazing when he held me, but I wasn’t going to overthink it. There was no crystal ball I could consult—I’d just wait and see what happened in the future.
If anything did. Maybe he hadn’t thought about it since it had happened.
When I got back on Monday afternoon, it was instantly clear that someone had been in my room. Again. But this time, there was a welcome surprise.
The first thing I noticed was that my bed didn’t look the way I’d left it. For a second I panicked, thinking Bennett and Granthad done something else crappy, like when they’d stolen my robe.
But this was something good. I blinked, trying to make sure that what I was seeing was actually there. As if in a trance, I walked slowly to the bed.
My book bag slid off my shoulder and hit the floor with a thud. Someone—I had no idea who—had left a whole pile of brand-new bedding. Not just any bedding, either. The light blue sheets were silky and smooth, made out of a soft fabric that practically screamed luxury.There was a weighted blanket, too—one of those expensive ones I’d seen people rave about online. I couldn't wait to climb under it and see how it felt.
And the comforter? It was fluffy and perfect, the kind of thing you’d see in a catalog or a five-star hotel. because I couldn't resist, I grasped the edges and shook the folds out, spreading it across the huge bed. Yep, it was definitely made for a king size mattress.
I didn’t realize I was tearing up until a drop slipped down my cheek. It was just bedding, not a marriage proposal, but it meant a lot to me. Someone had noticed I had a problem and had fixed it. I wished I could thank whoever it was. Maybe it was Theo?
Or maybe it was my night owl friend. Of course, I didn't know who he was either. But maybe he and the person who did this were one and the same? They could both be Theo, but I just wasn't sure. And after spending time with Ian at the party, and getting to know him a little better, I'd realized that he was a pretty good guy, too.
And then another thought hit me as I sat on the edge of the bed and touched the soft fabrics. Maybe the cookbook that had appeared in the kitchen after my disastrous dinner hadn't been an insult. Maybe someone had been trying to help me then, too.
The thought of the new bedding I would sleep in tonight had me smiling for the rest of the day. Since the first floor was stillsuper clean, I concentrated on the second floor. I cleaned both bathrooms first, since a few people were around and they were empty. Then I decided to dust in the study room.
I hadn’t been there since the first time I cleaned here. I’d forgotten what a cozy room it was, with ample tables and chairs to work at. It made me wish I could study here, rather than the small desk in my room, but of course no one knew I was a student. Except Theo.
I kept thinking about that part of our exchange in the condo almost as much as the kiss. He seemed to admire me for what I was doing this summer, instead of looking down on me as I knew my classmates would. But he was an exceptionally kind man. I didn’t think most of my fellow students would be so understanding.
As I was dusting a bookcase taller than my head, the man I had been thinking about showed up.
I set down my dust rag and brushed off the front of my shirt. Though my clothes were old and stained, his looked great. He looked great. The tight, white T-shirt he wore barely fit over his toned chest and ripped biceps. He had on faded blue jeans with a tear at the knee, but it was a good look for him.