Page 39 of On the Edge

“Football too.” John shrugged. “Everything fun has risks.”

“Word.” I glanced over at Jonas, who was in conversation with Eric. He was the most fun risk I’d taken in a long time.

After everyone had their food, a very bouncy Rowan clinked his water glass. “I have a big announcement.”

“The drama club drama is over?” John rolled his eyes in the way only a sibling could.

“No, this is much bigger than petty high school sh—stuff.” Rowan sniffed, angular nose pointing at the chandelier. “And Dad already knows, but the rest of you don’t.”

“Better tell us before you detonate,” Denver advised.

“I’m going to LA,” Rowan all but chirped. “That new show loved my audition and singing, and they’re flying me out for an in-person interview and read-through next weekend.”

“Valentine’s?” Wren made a disgusted face. “Thank God that’s the weekend of the state science fair competition. I’ll be gone all weekend.”

“Way to make it about you.” Rowan glowered at Wren.

“I’m just saying I won’t have time to miss you or hear about how much you hate Valentine’s Day.” Wren’s tone was all logical, but Rowan looked far from appeased.

“Heck. I forgot about the science fair.” Eric released a groan. “I was thinking of going with Rowan.”

“Because you don’t trust me in LA alone.”

“Because you need an outside opinion, especially since you’ve got a head full of stars and aren’t exactly known for your street smarts,” Eric countered.

“You should go with Wren on the science fair trip.” Rowan’s face scrunched up, making him look far younger and on the verge of a legit tantrum.

“Hey, I’m off that weekend.” My dad, ever the peacemaker, spoke up. “Denver and I could go watch Wren, so you can go with Rowan.”

Denver blinked, clearly not having been consulted about whether he’d like to spend Valentine’s Day weekend with a bunch of teen science geniuses.

“Yeah, that would work,” he mumbled. “Can you feed the cats, John?”

“I would, but that’s the same weekend I’m snowboarding with Scotty and a bunch of the team. Who needs Valentine’s?”

Me. Suddenly, I had a desperate need for the holiday I’d never had much use for before. “I could feed the cats.”

“You could, or you could come with Denver and me if you don’t want to be home alone.”

“He won’t be alone.” Jonas managed to sound as casual as if he were reporting the number of plates needed for dinner. “I’ll be around. We can toss on a movie or something if we get lonely for the rest of you.”

Or something.It took all my willpower not to grin. “We’ll be fine.”

I can’t wait.

Chapter Nineteen


I counted down to my weekend alone with Declan like it was my birthday and Christmas rolled into one. An entire weekend with the house all to ourselves? No need to walk on eggshells or pretend to be casual friends? All week, every time I’d think ahead to the weekend, my stomach would do a funny little quiver, and I’d have a burst of energy.

By Friday afternoon, I was only too happy to arrive home to discover Rowan lugging a big rolling suitcase out to Eric’s SUV.

“Think you packed enough for two days?” I teased as I locked up my car.

“Maybe.” Rowan took my question far too seriously. “I couldn’t decide which shirt says boy-band lead better, so I packed five.”

“The show is about a boy band?” If so, Rowan was indeed perfect for the part. He’d looked like a boy-band escapee for the past few years.