“I think so?” I did my best to stretch an opening three feet around, and the officers ducked through in a neat line. Carter brought up the rear, hesitating to stuff a bag of cheddar puffs into my back pocket, and I turned words she had used against me around on her. “If you die, my sister will never forgive me.”
“Why do you think I’m leaving my last bag of cheddar puffs with you?” She snorted. “Motivation.”
“I like that you’re more invested in returning to the sweet embrace of carbs than my sister.”
Pride wouldn’t let her accept my offer to lower the gap to accommodate her height. She took two steps back then leapt through it headfirst. She hit and rolled in a purposeful tumble that ended with her in the iconic superhero pose of one knee down and the opposite fist planted in the dirt. Josie would have given her left kidney for a picture, but my hands were otherwise occupied, and Carter stood too fast for Kierce to follow my instructions on how to snap one for her.
Oh well.
Josie wouldn’t know it, but I would consider hoarding the memory as payback for the time she lied about rubbing Kierce down with sunscreen.
Within minutes, the officers had crept into the darkness beyond the trees, leaving Kierce and me alone.
“Let me know if you get tired.” Kierce rubbed hesitant circles across my shoulders. “I’ll go through if you can’t hold it open.”
Cute how he thought I would let him square off against Anunit without me.
“I’m good for now.” I leaned into his touch as much as I was able. “Thanks for the massage.”
As he grew more confident, his pressure increased, and he dug in where my muscles had begun aching from maintaining my position. I debated sitting, figuring I could guide the opening lower with me, since it was flexible, but it felt risky for the folks coming out to have to crawl on hands and knees to escape the commune. Especially if they were being chased.
“You’re welcome.” He cocked his head to one side. “Badb says she’s got a bead on them.”
“Really?” She had been flying overhead for a while with nothing to report. “That’s odd.”
The ward contained the air above the commune, which explained the lack of cell service.
What had changed? Had the hole made that big of a difference? How could she see through it now?
The same realization must have dawned on Kierce, because his eyes gleamed silver and furious.
“She used Carter as a distraction and followed them.” He swallowed hard. “She’s inside the ward.”
“Why would she do that?” I wobbled, and the circle shrank. “There’s no reason for her to go too.”
“I knew she was angry with me but...”
“Badb is a tad on the petty side, but she wouldn’t spite you like this.” Had Mr. Mittens been involved, sure. She would spite him all day, every day. She basically already did. “Maybe she’s worried about Carter?”
“There’s something else.” His focus grew distant. “I’ll do my best to get us answers.”
From my estimation, the officers had been inside for thirty minutes before we detected motion.
It felt twice as long, since Kierce had been silent for half that time.
The rustle transformed into a black missile that shot through my arms, smacking me in the chest. Impact surprised me so much, I almost released my grip, but I got an earful soon enough. Badb was shrieking at us with urgent wing flaps as she dropped a stick in my lap.
Not a stick.
“She says Anunit has rounded up the officers.” Kierce blinked his eyes clear. “She won’t let them leave.”
“What? Why? The terms of the curse are clear.” I gave up and sat to rest my back. “The officers didn’t steal…” A groan slipped out of me. “Ask Badb where she got this.”
After a brief pause, he told me, “From one of the officers.”