Soon, she was bucking and clutching the covers beneath her as he came in his mouth, her juices flowing wildly as she came for him several times. He stripped down and freed his own raging hard-on, eager to sink into her swollen pink folds. She looked stunning as she lay there, her engorged breasts, pregnant belly, and swollen pussy eager for him. It was beautiful.

He helped her up and flipped her over onto all fours, pulling her back toward the edge of the bed to position himself behind her before entering her. She groaned as he filled her with his heavy cock, enjoying the ways that her pussy engulfed him and clung him as he slid further into her.

Their bodies rocked back and forth against one another, slowly and methodically, his cock pressing against her g-spot with each stroke until she was coming with almost every thrust pushing her to an even more powerful orgasm. She felt beyond amazing as he gave her what she wanted, letting her set the pace with her movements until he could no longer hold back.

Grabbing her hips, he began rocking heavily back and forth, fucking her with deep, even strokes until he could feel his cock pulsating on the verge of climax. He pushed into her one final time, flooding her with his seed before leaning forward to gently lay his head against her back for a moment. Then, he released her, moving into the bed beside her to lay on his side and face her.

“Are you happy?” she asked.

“Do you really need to ask me that?” he replied.

“Well, this isn’t exactly what you bargained for. You were just looking for a date for a few functions and ended up with a knocked-up wife.”

“Knocking you up is the highlight of my pathetic little life. What about you? You were only after a story. Did you get one?”

“Yeah. I haven’t written it yet, but I got one. It’s just not the one I expected.”

“Is that good or bad?” he asked.

“That’s perfection,” she replied, leaning forward to kiss him.

“Are you sure? I sometimes feel like I may have pre-empted your life and your career. That’s not something I had ever intended to do.”

“Oh, yeah. You pre-empted everything. If you hadn’t come along, I’d surely be out there beating the bushes for all the best stories and making all the other journalists jealous about how pathetic their own work was shaking out to be, but you know what? I’d also be missing out on the most wonderful experience of my life. I have the most amazing husband on the planet, and we are soon going to have a beautiful baby together. What could be more worthwhile than that?”

“A Pulitzer?”

“Well, there is that, but you know what? I can have that too if I want. I’ve given up nothing as far as I’m concerned. I’ve put some things on hold to enjoy our time together and focus on my pregnancy and childbirth, but once we’re past that, I’ll wrap the kid up in a blanket, strap her to my chest, and chase leads all over the city with her hanging on for the ride.”

“Okay, but maybe you should just let me keep her if you decide to go after more criminals that might want to do you harm?”

“That’s fair. I’ll make sure I hand her over to you on those days.”

“Glad to hear it.”

“You think I’m kidding,” she observed, looking at his half-cocked smile.

“I absolutely do not. If I’ve learned one thing about you since I’ve known you, it’s that you do not kid. I have no doubt that you mean every single word you are saying and that’ll you hang upside down from whatever rafters you must to get a good story.”

“Is that another bat joke?” she growled, trying not to smile.

“No. Of course not. I just know you’ll keep your sonar trained on your stories whenever necessary.”

“Stop it!” she teased, launching herself at him in a mock pounce.

He laughed and pinned her down to kiss her and then lay down beside her, stretching out to just enjoy the moment by her side.CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVEAdriana

Adriana pushed away from the desk, not that she was very close to it in the first place. Her growing stomach kept quite a bit of space between her and the keyboard as it was. This was her first article in months, having taken some time off after all the events that had unfolded recently.

She considered what she wanted to say and then moved back toward the keyboard to begin. This assignment had begun with her doing a lighthearted fluff piece on the Alpha Meets Omega dating site. It had ended with her realizing just how incredibly wrong she had been about what it was like to be an Omega.

When I began this research, I had a low opinion of Omegas and disdain for everything they represent. I now realize that their ways aren’t wrong or inferior. They have simply found a different happiness than those of us who value things more than home and family.