“I don’t know, really. The last time I was coming to, I could hear all sorts of chatter. They were talking about dragons headed their way, and I figured it must be you and whoever you were bringing. Then there were wolves all over the place, and I had come to enough to shift, so I got down into the smallest thing I could to slip under my door. I was hiding by a tree trying to gather my bearings when I heard you and went toward you.”

“You didn’t recognize the wolves as your own?”

“No. I couldn’t really see with all the drugs in my system. All I saw was paws and snouts. I just wanted to get as far away as I could, but I was stumbling around all over the place. It’s a wonder someone didn’t step on me.

“Thank God they didn’t. I’m so glad you are okay. I was terrified.”

“Are we safe?”

“For now, yes. We’re safe here, but not when we go out. They are going to keep coming for us, for you, as long as I don’t give them what they want.”

“Turner and Hood.”


“Do they know about the money? The books?”

“I don’t know. Maybe they suspect it’s hidden somewhere, but I don’t think they know anything concrete.”

“What are we going to do?”

“I’m not sure. How about we just sleep on it, and when we wake up, we’ll figure out what to do next.”

“That sounds good, but can I have some water first? I’m like the Sahara here.”

“Of course.”

Adriana guzzled the water down and slipped beneath the covers on the bed, moving the pillow she’d been on previously under her head and settling in. Dane slipped in beside her, curling up to her back and nuzzling his face against hers. She drifted off into a comfortable sleep, lulled by his rhythmic breathing against her skin. She awoke hours later to his kisses drifting softly across her skin, hungry but tender.

She’d thought she was too tired for sex, but the moment she felt his touch, she wanted him. It was the perfect end to what had been a horrible experience. The drugs had worn off, and she was feeling more like herself now, though a bit of nausea remained. Still, she forgot all about that while he was touching her.

She leaned into him, kissing him softly, pulling him in. He was gentle, spooning her from behind and entering her slowly, barely moving in and out of her in such a way that it almost made her want to cry. She pushed back against him, loving the way he felt inside of her, letting her body dictate the pace. Another woman might want to run at this point, knowing how dangerous things had become with him, but she had never experienced the feelings she was having for him, the longing she felt for him whenever she thought about how he made her feel.

She couldn’t imagine being with someone safe anymore. Maybe she got off on the danger. Maybe she always had. She remembered her reaction to Parquo. She could have shifted into something small and attempted to escape. Instead, she chose to meet him on his own terms. She chose to meet him head on. Perhaps a bit of danger was what her life had been missing.

She knew that sex with a man like Dane had been missing. There was never any disappointment with him. Not only was he well equipped, but he also had the stamina of a stallion and the skill to match. He was capable of making her a quivering mass with his mouth, fingers, or cock without much effort. Part of it was that he seemed to know her body as well as she did, and part of it was something much harder to articulate. There was a chemistry between them that could not be denied.

She moaned as he drove into her depths, pushing her open with his girth as he rotated his hips to hit her g-spot in the process. Soon, she was shaking as she came, her body tensing from head to toe before dissolving into a fluid stream of release. It had never felt like this with anyone, and she could no longer imagine anyone else making her feel this way.

There was no doubt that Dane was the one. She just hoped that she wasn’t the only one that felt that way. She’d seen his concern for her, but how deep did that run? They’d not exchanged any promises, and he could just be dutiful, the type of man who would never leave a woman in crisis, especially when the crisis had derived from something he had created or caused.

His hips jerked forward, a low groan emanating from his throat as he came inside her, his powerful cock exploding his seed into her. He relaxed as the tension between them subsided, his cock eventually slipping free from her as they lay there in their mingled juices, falling back into a peaceful slumber with all of her thoughts back into the abyss for now.