Dane Johnson might have only spent a fleeting time with her, but he had left an impression behind. He was a bit cocky, but not so much that she loathed him. He was articulate but not condescending and he looked at her in a way that would melt butter. She could only imagine what those soft, full lips of his might feel like on her skin.

She closed her eyes and let her mind wander, along with her hands. Her fingers slipped over her skin like butterflies flitting about. Her skin was heated, eager to be touched. It had been a while since she’d given in to her physical urges with anyone, even herself. Now, she craved the sweet release of orgasm.

Her fingers continued to slip across her body, drifting downward to her breasts and slowly circling her nipples until they were hardened into tiny little buds that ached to be suckled. What that must feel like with him. One hand continued teasing a single nipple as her other drifted down across her stomach and between her legs.

She felt a jolt of excitement as she found her clit and began to massage it. Having gone without for so long made even her own touch that much more powerful. She imagined it was his hand arousing her, pushing her to the edge as she slowly milked it back and forth, feeling it harden between her fingers. The ache pulsated through her center as she slipped further down, sliding her perfectly manicured nails along the wet folds of her pussy. She was soaked and getting wetter just thinking about what it would feel like to be with him.

A moan escaped her lips as she slipped two fingers inside, pushing them into her hungry void and slipping them free again before bringing them to her lips to taste her juices. She squirmed between the sheets as she finger fucked herself into a frenzy, alternating between fast and slow movements until she could barely hold back anymore. She was so close, but not quite able to push herself over the precipice.

Moving her other hand downward, she began stroking her clit again, moving her fingers up and down the tiny length of it until she was jerking and bucking against it. She slipped the two fingers of her opposite hand inside again, curling them slightly to massage her g-spot. Her moans filled the quiet of her room as her hips flailed about, the combination of stroking her clit and her ill-attended g-spot finally sending her into spasms of climax that caused her to cry out with their force.

She imagined that he wouldn’t let her settle for just one and continued her manipulations until she was all but screamed out in ecstasy as her body racked and exploded until she had nothing left to give and collapsed in an exhausted but mostly content pile on the bed.

It wasn’t exactly what she needed. If he were really here, she could only imagine what he’d feel like driving in and out of her with what she imagined to be impressive equipment. She needed to be fucked in the worst way and was surprised to realize that she’d been without for so long that she’d forgotten to even be sexual with herself.

She sighed and climbed out of bed, going to shower and try to get her mind on something else. It would do her no good to walk around feeling like a horny teen all day, and if she did happen to see him again, it would be hard to focus on her assignment rather than his physique or the way his full lips moved when he spoke.CHAPTER EIGHTDane

“It looks like lightning hit your workshop,” the fire marshal said, looking at his clipboard

“Lightning?” Dane repeated.

“Best guess, really. The impact seems to have struck the roof and set some of the chemicals you had stored out there alight.”

“In the back corner?”

The fire marshal looked up at him with a single raised eyebrow.


“There was a hole back there. I found it when I came in yesterday. I don’t know how it happened.”

“Sounds a bit strange that you’d have a hole right where lightning shot through to start a fire.”

“I agree, but I don’t know how either thing happened.”

“Well, there is no evidence of arson, and I can’t account for freak accidents, so I’m going to just write it up as suspected causation by the elements and call it a day. If you’re insured, you should be able to file a claim with no problem. You’ll get no flak from us.”

“Thanks. I’m sure it is, as part of the property. I’ll check into it.”

“Might want to consider rebuilding elsewhere if one corner of it is a lightning magnet.”

“I will.”

Dane turned back to the blackened pile of wood and tin as the man left and sighed. He went into the house and retrieved his cell phone, calling for a large dumpster to be brought out later in the week. Most people would just call someone to scoop it all up and dispose of it, but there were memories buried in that rubble, and perhaps he could salvage a few of them. Plus, there was the matter of what no one could see beneath the soggy mess.