“And anyway, I was wondering if it would be okay with you if I... if I...” He could see the tightening of her jaw and the pulse of her throat as she swallowed. “If I could call you Master.”
There they went again. Could his brain not have picked something more suave than bagpipes? Not to mention he’d never be able to go to the Highland Games without getting hard ever again.
Keyne rolled her lips between her teeth, and when she let them go, they were wet. If the girl had held a gun to his head and pulled the trigger, she couldn’t have killed him more effectively.
God, how long had he kept her waiting? She was probably losing her mind, judging by how nervous she’d been to ask him. Her fingers had ceased their stroking and were now digging in at the base of his skull.
“Yeah, I’m here. Sorry. You... threw me a little.”
Her perfect mouth screwed up, and he could tell she was about to take it back.Don’t take it back.
“If that’s something you’d like to do, I would...”Be so happy I might die? Feel like a goddamn king? Never ever let you go?He wanted to say those things, tell her how hard that made his heart beat up against his ribs, but he also didn’t want her to not change her mind if she found the actual doing didn’t make her feel as good as she thought it would.”... be open to you trying it. Give it a whirl, and you know, if you like it, fine, and if you don’t, no bigs.”
Keyne’s face got that pixie look—the mischievous, cat-ate-the-canary one. The one that led the people who wrote the legends to be wary of the tricksy creatures. “Did you seriously say ‘no bigs’?”
He wanted to bury his face in her stomach and shake his head, because yes, that fumbling, awkward attempt at faux casual had been utterly ridiculous. That was something her friends would say to each other, not an example he should set when they were having a serious conversation about serious matters.
“I believe I did. What of it?”
“‘What of it’?” Oh, her impressions of him were getting better every day, and it simultaneously made him want to laugh and take her over his knee. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? If I called you Master?”
She was teasing him, and he did not appreciate it. “My feelings are entirely neutral on the matter of what you call me. As long as you do it respectfully, the rest is vocabulary.”
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
“You’re such a liar. I can tell. You think you’re the only one who pays attention, but I do, too. I know you.”
God that was sweet of her, but he almost wished it weren’t true. He hoped she hadn’t noticed how much he’d wanted her. But honestly, expecting some magical switch to flip when a girl had a birthday was bullshit. She looked the same, she acted the same, but now all of a sudden she was an adult? He’d take it, but hell was that stupid.
He was still formulating a response when she shifted her hands to cradle his jaw and run her thumbs across his cheeks. “You can have it if you want it, Jasper. I want to. You’re always so careful about giving me what I want, what’s best for me, trying not to let what you want have anything to do with it. But you’re allowed to want things, too. So let me give this to you.”
His chest was so tight he could barely breathe. “You’ve already given me far more than you should have. And being careful with you is my job. I shouldn’t even be—”
Here.He shouldn’t be here, lying between her thighs, resting his head on her stomach. He shouldn’t have taken so much from her, but since he had, making sure she could make choices without what her corrupter wanted getting factored in was the least he could do for her.
With no warning, there was a soft tap at the side of his face. Far too light to be called a slap by any stretch of the imagination, but it still shocked him.
“Hey, don’t do that. If you don’t let me make any of the decisions, you’re taking my agency away as much as you would be if you forced this on me. Which you didn’t, by the way, at all. I wanted you, and I still want you. This was my choice and I know with every single bit of me if I had given the slightest hint I didn’t want this, you wouldn’t have touched me. So you can stop beating yourself up. I’m glad you were my first, and I love being with you. And I’d love even more to feel like I’m really yours. I want to call you Master and even though you’re trying super hard to keep it from me, I think you want it, too, so that’s what I’m going to do. Master.”
What was he going to do with her? Stubborn little thing. But the answer that came to him was the answer he always fell back on when it came to Keyne: he was going to love the ever living hell out of her, and hope for the best.
He drew back, and settled himself between her legs, propping her thighs open with the breadth of his shoulders, and reaching under each leg to take hold of her hands that had fallen to the mattress when he’d pulled away. No, not hands. Wrists.
“Say it again, little girl.”
Her lips parted, and she breathed out, her chest collapsing and then rising fast. “Master?”
He nodded, squeezing her wrists and pinning them to the bed, nudging her legs further apart until she was open to him entirely.
“Yes, Master.”
“I’m going to lick you until you come in my mouth, and then I’m going to fuck you until you come again. And there’s not a goddamn thing you can do about it because you’re mine.”
More lies, but these were designed with one thing in mind. He got what he was after when she moaned and dropped her head back, her hips squirming as much as they were able. “Yes, Master.”
He was going straight to hell, not passing Go, not collecting $200, but he’d be hearing Keyne say, “Yes, Master,” the entire trip and that would make it all worthwhile.