“Do I have to speak with Mistress Alice about your manners, Leisl?”
His chastisement didn’t inspire any contrition. No, Leisl stuck her tongue out at him. “You know we don’t play that way. Now if I mouthed off in the club, that would be a different story.”
She smiled, a downright smug expression. Yes, he’d seen the result of Leisl being bratty. It had looked a lot like Mistress Alice taking Leisl over her knee and applying a paddle to her ass. He rolled his eyes and shook his head, but it was indulgent and she knew it.
“Seriously. What’s up?”
He looked around, like he was afraid someone might hear, even though they were sitting on Leisl’s plaid living room couch. It was too bad Leisl wasn’t Mistress Alice’s to do with what she liked all the time, because surely he could convinceherto get rid of this eyesore.
Now that he was here, he wasn’t sure he could say it. How should he put this? Leisl was about as liberal as they came, but he’d watched her go all Mama Bear on behalf of subs who she didn’t think were being cared for or respected. He was in no hurry to have those claws turned on him. That also meant he trusted Leisl to give it to him straight even if that meant she wanted to castrate him.
After she’d done Keyne’s ink, he’d invited Leisl over for dinner a few times, and she and Keyne got along swimmingly. They’d gang up on him over dinner, and Leisl had even gotten Keyne to go shopping. Edwin had brought them back to the house with arms full of bags, and Keyne had looked as though she’d honest-to-god enjoyed herself. Yes, Leisl was fond enough of Keyne she’d murder him if she felt it appropriate.
“I fucked Keyne.”
On the plus side, Leisl didn’t vault up and go digging in her kitchen for the nearest butcher knife. On the minus side, she didn’t look terribly shocked. He gave her a minute, wondering if the idea was sinking in like water into soil, but then he couldn’t take it anymore.
“Are you going to say anything? I’m dying here.”
“Well, I’m not surprised.”
Jasper bristled. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Leisl was one of his closer friends, and if she’d thought this was going to happen, why didn’t she say something? Smack him upside the head and drag him by the ear to someplace she could dress him down? Why didn’t she report him? Now he was getting irritated shehadn’tcalled DCF on his ass. Keyne wasn’t Leisl’s responsibility, she was his, but still...
“It means I wasn’t sure when it would happen, and I know you wouldn’t start anything. But the way that girl looks at you, and from the things Alice has said...” Leisl’s round eyes went even rounder. “She looooooves you.”
Naturally, he hit her in the face with a pillow. It just seemed like the right thing to do. After a few minutes of pillow-fighting, they settled back on the couch, and Jasper scrubbed a hand through his hair.
“But she’s eighteen. She’s my ward. I’m responsible for her. And I—” He choked on the next words because when they came out, it would sound a whole lot like he was a vile person. He deserved to feel that way, but Keyne rated so much better from the person she’d placed her trust, her life in.
Leisl punched him in the arm. “Hey. If I thought you were in any way, shape, or form abusing her, I’d call DCF on your ass myself, no matter how good friends we are. But...” She sucked air through her teeth, and shook her head, her ponytail braids swinging around her shoulders. “It’s complicated. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred I’d say this was dead wrong, but I know you, Jasper. Honestly, the thing I’m most concerned about is you’ll get tired of her and she won’t know what the hell to do with herself after having been with you.”
“I wouldn’t leave her. Ever.”
It came out sharper than he meant to; he shouldn’t yell at Leisl. A small smile tipped of the side of her mouth though. “I knew you’d say that. And you know what? I believe you. Also, in some ways, I think Keyne’s lucky.”
The snort that escaped through his nose was not flattering. “How do you figure? She lost everyone and everything, and ended up with me, who knows fuck all about anything.”
“I mean you love her, you’d do anything for her, and you’re not one of those dudes who goes out hoping to find some lost lamb to corrupt. Until her, you’d made a point of being with women who only wanted you for kink and sex, and who were your own age. They were all independent, self-reliant women and you didn’t try to change that. It’s not like this is a pattern for you. You’re sitting on my couch beating yourself up over what I’m assuming was at least a consensual act, if not begged for. Or am I wrong about that?”
“Of course she consented. What the hell kind of monster do you think—”
“What the hell kind of monster doyouthink you are? I know it’s pretty far from ideal, but even if things don’t work out between you guys, when she goes looking for another Dominant, she’s going to know what she’s looking for. And no one who has anything but the best intentions will ever lay a finger on her because they’d know you would literally kill them if they mess with her. I’m not sure it’s right, but I’m damn sure it’s not wrong.”
Sometimes Leisl could be childish or flippant, but when she looked at Jasper with those big brown eyes, he could feel the sincerity rolling off her in waves. She meant it. She didn’t think he was a terrible person or that he was irreparably damaging the person who was most precious to him in the world.
“Okay.” He tried to let the words sink in, make their way through his system. If nothing else, it sure as hell wasn’t going to do Keyne any good to have either a guardian or a... whatever he was to her now who was having a mental breakdown because of the guilt he was carrying around. What he could do was give Keyne an out or someone other than him to talk to. “If it’s okay with you, I’m going to give Keyne your information and strict instructions to call you if she’s ever unhappy. If I ever get out of line with her, I expect you to murder me your damn self.”
Leisl held up a hand in a mocking pledge. “I don’t like violence and we already traded cell numbers ages ago. But I solemnly swear I will tie you up and call the proper authorities if she gives me the slightest hint this is not okay with her. Deal?”
They shook on it and Jasper collapsed back onto the hideous couch, mashed his hands into his eye sockets until colors bloomed behind his lids. He only stopped when Leisl tapped him on the shoulder.
“Also, she can call me about anything she wants. Anytime. Tell her that, too. Want a root beer?”
Yeah, he did.
Chapter Twenty