“I don’t know if I should.”
“You’ve already spilled the beans, Evans. What’s it going to matter if you spill a few more?”
I guess, but Greg is a client. A good one. I don’t want to lose that business if India decides to be personally offended by this. She interrupts my mulling with a loud huff. “Fine. Just tell me it’s not Will Donovan. That guy’s the worst, and I wouldn’t want Lucy to work for him if he were the last asshole on earth.”
Oh. She was worried about Lucy ending up somewhere with a terrible boss? And India’s a savvy businesswoman. She’s not going to let personal irritation get in the way of a longstanding and lucrative contract. Plus, she and Greg get along like a house on fire. “No, it’s not Will Donovan. It’s Greg Wu.”
“That bastard.” She shakes her head. “I thought he’d been sniffing around her. What kind of job?”
Well, I’m all in now so I might as well. “Office manager.”
“Lucy would be good at that. I mean, she is good at that. So she’s going to Phoenix, huh?”
“I don’t think she desperately wants to go. I think she’d rather stay here, but…”
“But what?”
She’s got that greedy, game-playing look in her eye, and in that second, I know Lucy’s not going anywhere. Not if India can help it, and no one in their right mind would mess with India Burke when she wants something. So I’m going to get Lucy everything I can.
“It’s a better title and more money.” Okay, so that’s a white lie. I don’t know if it’s more money, but even if it’s not, the cost of living in Phoenix has got to be lower than San Diego.
“That’s it?”
Is there anything else Lucy would want? Anything I can bargain for without India totally calling my bluff and having this house of cards come crashing down and leaving me with nothing but a super painful papercut?
“If you do that and give her Leo’s office when he retires, I can almost guarantee she’ll stay.”
“Almost?” Yeah, India wants a sure thing. She doesn’t like uncertainty.
“She’s a grown woman. I don’t know everything that goes on in her head.” Though I wish I did.
India looks pissed for a second, probably because my tone was somewhat less than respectful, but then she laughs. “All right, Evans. I’ll see what I can do. You know Leo’s office was going to be yours, right?”
Wings spring from my heart and flap around. That’s the office Jack moved India into when it became clear she was going to succeed him, that she was the person he trusted most. And she was going to give it to me? Might still if Lucy leaves despite my meddling.
“Lucy will appreciate it more than I will. I don’t need my own bathroom. Honestly, knowing that is enough for me. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. You produce quality product, and I appreciate all the sacrifices you make for your work. I know I’m not awesome at conveying that, but you should know you are the best associate I have and not by a little bit. You keep working on your chutzpah and maybe someday you’ll be moving into my office.”
It’s a silly thing for her to say for a bunch of reasons, including that India’s about as WASP-y as they come. Also, I’m actually older than she is and I can’t imagine India ever retiring anyhow, not to mention I don’t want her job. I do think we make a good team, though. “Well, I’m not going to be staging a coup anytime soon, but thank you.”
“You’re welcome. And as much as I’ve enjoyed our chat, do you remember how I said I was busy? Still true, so could you stop badgering me and get back to work?”
“Yeah, sure, of course, Ms. Burke.” I start to head out, but since India seems to be in a generous mood, I’m going to push the envelope further. “Actually, could I ask you for a favor? Not for me. Lucy’s been bummed about not being able to go home for Christmas and I wanted to do something nice for her. I need your help.”
Her expression softens, and she lets out a soft sigh. In her own weird way, India deeply cares about Lucy. Maybe more than she’d like to admit. “For Lucy?”
“All right. Spit it out, Evans, I haven’t got all day.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
I take abreak in the middle of the afternoon, telling India and Lucy that if I don’t get out of the building for a couple of hours I might go stark-raving mad, and I volunteer to pick up pizza from the good place that has slow delivery on my way back. India says Cris will have picked her up by then, but Lucy asks for the chicken, caramelized pear, and walnuts, which sounds amazing.