Page 77 of Shining Through

“Sure.” Tabitha dug through her bag and brought out a can. It took a lot of glue to keep everything in place. Mia misted her slicked down hair and bun, then handed the can back. Tabitha shook her head. “Keep it.”

“Thanks.” Mia dropped it into her skate bag and then slicked her lips in a strawberry shade. “Congratulations, on your engagement.”

“Thanks.” Tabitha’s gaze lingering on the ring that glittered on the third finger of her left hand. As beautiful as it was, Daniil’s words of love, and his faith in her, outshone everything else. “And congratulations to you on your move to LA. You’ll love working with Peter next season.”

That had been another of today’s surprises. At practice this afternoon, Peter, and Claudia had announced they planned to launch a power-house training group out of the Beverly Ice Arena. Its students would include Mia, Brett Stafford, and Antoinette Curtis.

“Your success and Brett’s gave me the second-wind I needed to stick around for a few more years,” he’d said.

Not only that, but he and Claudia had been planning this since St. Petersburg. He’d also confided that the “friend” he’d spent Christmas with had been Claudia. Tabitha was happy for Peter, but at the same time, bittersweet. He was moving onto a new life that wouldn’t include her.

“Working with him will be amazing,” Mia said. “I really admire what he helped you achieve, and you’re exactly the skater I want to be.”

Tabitha glanced at Mia’s blond hair, but took the comment in the sincere spirit in which it was given. “I think you’re on your way. But don’t be afraid to be who you are, either.”

The dressing room door opened, and Fiona and Samara came in. They had arrived late last week for the ladies’ event, a surprise arranged by Peter and Olga. It had meant the world to Tabitha that her mom and sister had watched her final competition, and that Fiona could meet Daniil. The ex-groupie had heartily approved.

“Honey, you look like a million bucks,” Fiona said, wrapping her arms around Tabitha. “I’m so proud of you; I might lose it right here and now. My little girl, all grown up, a gold medalist, and an engaged lady to boot.”

“That dress is pretty hot,” Samara said, then turned to Mia. “Hey, Peter tells me you’re moving to LA. You’re gonna love it. Best city in the world. Once you’re there, you’ll never want to leave.”

Mia furrowed her brow. “You’re not moving to Missouri with your mother?”

“Nope.” Samara rolled her eyes. “Thank God.”

“Hey, Missy. Don’t knock Missouri ‘til you’ve tried it.”

“No knocking. But while you’re off growing organic cilantro, I’ll be staying right where I am, learning to make movies. Who knows? I might make a documentary about figure skating. ‘True Confessions of an Ice Queen.’” She turned to Tabitha. “What do you think?”

“Does the Ice Queen wear a blue wig?”

“Will you be staying too, Tabitha?” Mia said.

It hurt to admit that Peter hadn’t invited her to be part of the training center though it shouldn’t have been a surprise. She’d been so adamant about wanting to leave LA and figure skating behind. True, she wouldn’t miss LA. She’d never loved the city the way Samara did. But figure skating was a different story. She’d been a skater most of her life. Now at the pinnacle of success, she was about to walk away. Going out on top was much harder than she thought. She forced a smile. “We’ll see.”

They left the dressing room and went to join the pre-show reception for the skaters, their families and some of the Games’ key corporate sponsors. Peter, Claudia, and Brett were being interviewed on the opposite side of the room. The president of Brinkman Breakfast Cereal was posing for a photo with his new athlete endorsers, newlywed ice dancers Mike and Jenny Palmer. The moment Mia walked in she was whisked away for photos by representatives of the Games’ official cell phone company. Tabitha was left behind with Fiona and Samara.

Even if she wasn’t ready to move on from skating, the skating world was ready to move on from its scandal-kissed gold medalist. She glanced around, hoping to spot Daniil in the crowd, but she knew he would be attending a similar reception for the Russian team. Then from across the room, she heard Misha’s voice. “There you are!”

Her soon-to-be-former choreographer approached. With him, was Olga. She gave Tabitha’s costume a critical eye and fingered a piece of lace that didn’t seem to want to lie properly. She stepped back and gave an approving nod. “Very nice,” she said.

Misha hugged Tabitha and congratulated her on her engagement. “Thank you,” she said, as the melancholy feeling returned. “I only wish he were here right now.”

Misha tilted his head and gave her a curious look. “Not having fun?”

“Oh sure. It’s been one of the most amazing days of my life. But it’s a little sad too. After so many years and so much work, it’s hard to believe this is over.”

Olga offered a rare smile. “You have every reason to be proud. Not just in your skating life, but for your honor and courage. We know that doing the right thing came with a steep cost.”

Tabitha shrugged. “Coming forward was the right thing to do, and I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. If Brinkman’s Breakfast Cereal doesn’t consider me wholesome enough to endorse their oat flakes, too bad for them.”

“But still you love skating, and aren’t ready to say goodbye,” said Misha.

“No,” Tabitha admitted.

“I see.” He and Olga exchanged glances, and she nodded. “Well, in that case, Olga and I want to make proposal.”

Samara nudged her. “Second one of the day, Sis. I’d say you’re doing pretty well for yourself.”