“On the side of a mountain.”

“A must.”

Why can’t life always be as great as having sex with a man like Evan Saatchi? Effortless, incredible, and downright hot.

“Okay,” he says, smiling. “Only because you asked so nicely.” She kisses him again and again and again, before she throws herself off of him and sprawls in the sheets.

She buries her face in his pillow and moans happily. “I don’t want to go home. I’m too cozy,” she says. “Don’t try to make me move.”

Evan drags his lips across her bare shoulders, and she feels him press down on her, wrapping his arm around her. “Would you rather I kick you out? Who do you think I am?”

“But I have to go,” she groans.

“I can think of a few ways to get you to stay.” He nibbles her ear.

Dalisay lets out a snort and shimmies, loosening Evan’s grip on her, but he laughs and buries his nose into the crook of her neck. She loves the way he holds her.

Sleeping with him still has the same rush she felt the first time. It’s like she’s a teenager again, sneaking off to see Luke, only this is a million times better.

As he traces a finger across her bare back with the lightest touch, his hot breath on her skin, Dalisay lulls into a daze. If she’s not careful, she really could fall asleep in his bed. She told her mom she was staying late at work to finish a new article. What would her family say if she stumbled back home in the morning wearing yesterday’s clothes?

Pinky’s aunt Tala’s words still echo in her mind.

Better to face the music than lie and sneak around.

Is that what she’s doing? Lying and sneaking? She’s violating her family’s number one rule about waiting until marriage. Her parents always emphasized the importance of chastity in the eyes of God, practically drilled it into Dalisay’s head. And yet, she’s not hurting anyone by being with Evan. God forbid she have a little pleasure now and again.

At least things are better between her and Nicole. That’s one small victory she can rest easy about. But Nicole’s not the only one keeping things close to her heart.


The next Sunday after church, Dalisay hears a knock at the door.

She opens it and is surprised to see Claire standing on the porch.

“Claire!” Dalisay says.

She smiles, a little shy. Today she’s wearing a blazer, a T-shirt, and tight-fitting jeans. She’s holding what looks like a plate of homemade cookies wrapped in cellophane. “Hey, Dalisay.”

She had almost forgotten about Nicole’s promise to invite Claire over. Work has been so crazy lately, other things in her life have been put on the back burner. She feels like a complete dunce for having forgotten, and it takes a second for Dalisay to realize she’s left Claire standing in the doorway too long. “Come in!” she says, stepping aside.

Claire does and kicks off her shoes.

“You made cookies?” Dalisay asks, indicating the plate.

Claire gives her a little wink and leans in, whispering, “I bought them at Safeway. Wanted to look like I know what I’m doing in a kitchen because I know how important that is for your mom.”

Dalisay can’t help but smile. She likes Claire. She’s a good fit for Nicole. And Nicole must have heard them come in, because she appears at the top of the stairs to the main area of the house.

“Hi!” Nicole says, a little breathless.

She takes the plate from Claire and introduces her to the rest of the family as they’re getting the table ready for lunch. Everyone welcomes Claire with open arms, immediately showering her with compliments and food.

“You must be Nicole’s friend! So good to meet you!” Mom says.

“Is that your motorcycle outside? So cool,” says Daniel.

“Are you eating enough? Come, sit,” Lola says.