“No, she doesn’t.”

“So then you know full-well why I can’t just tell her my secret if you won’t even tell her yours!”

“I’m saying that I’m on your side! I have your back! And now you have ammunition you can use against me, if you so choose.”

Nicole doesn’t sound convinced because she snorts and shakes her head. “Unbelievable.”

“You never know unless you try,” says Dalisay. “You were the one who encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone with Evan and look how that turned out.”

Nicole lets out a huge, heavy sigh and groans. “What if it all goes horribly wrong?”

“What if it goes spectacularly right?” Dalisay’s lip curls. “And I won’t even make up a song about you and Claire either, because I’msucha nice sister.”

Nicole actually laughs and it’s like opening a window after a rainstorm.

They fall into silence again, but it’s not the weighted kind that permeated the car earlier. It’s a full silence, warm and affectionate. Dalisay knows Nicole isn’t mad at her, and never really had been, but it’s like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders.

“You really like Claire, don’t you?” Dalisay can’t help the sly smile.

“Yeah,” Nicole says, then she sees the smile and slaps Dalisay in the bicep. “Shut up!”

Dalisay is so relieved to have Nicole somewhat back to her normal self.

“Did you ever find them?” she asks.

“Find what?”

“The urine cups.”

“We did. And Claire slipped her phone number in my hand when she gave them to me.” She’s blushing again, like a teenager, and it makes Dalisay even more confident that their mom will see how happy Nicole is. That has to mean something. It has to.

Nicole seems to understand that too. “Okay,” she says. “I’ll invite Claire over.”

Dalisay smiles, a little victorious.


Dalisay and Evan collapse onto his bed, glowing and smiling as they kiss again, Dalisay breathing hard as pleasure ebbs its way through her. Her body feels electric, relaxed and alive all at once.

“I …,” Dalisay says, hand on his cheek. She thinks about saying something else, but she settles on: “I love this.”

Evan smiles. “Me too.”

He kisses her again, his soft lips catching hers, and she sighs into his touch. His body is warm, his skin shining with sweat. The flush is deep in his cheeks, and Dalisay’s heart thumps solidly in her chest. They’ve been having sex all evening, ever since they got off work. They could barely keep their hands off each other during the editorial meeting. Her trip through Asia is coming up, and they’re already planning the stories she’ll write. Everything is perfect.

When he kisses her, she rolls on top of him, leaning against the solidness of his chest and breathing in his spicy scent. She can’t think of anything that could be better than this moment.

“Come with me,” she says.


“On the tour.”

Evan’s eyes get round. “For real? Would Naomi even let me?”

“I bet we could talk her into it, especially since you’re a senior editor and all too.”

Evan laughs breathily and she kisses him, trying to capture it. “We could dothisall over …” She kisses him again, dragging her hand along his torso, feeling his muscles constrict under her touch. “Hoi An …” Another kiss. “Kyoto …”