Evan was so worried about breaking theparol, Dalisay has been thinking about his reaction since last night. The way his eyes got so wide, how the color totally drained from his face, the way his hands shook. She’s never seen someone so upset over such a small thing before. He was acting like he’d done something terrible, like he was holding on by a thread. When she touched his wrist, she wasn’t sure if it would help, but the way he looked at her made her feel like it did.
Pinky was right. She hasn’t even begun to understand him. She wishes there was an easier way to find out what goes on in someone’s head.
While she’s been with the family setting up for the party, she’s thought about Evan almost the whole time. A part of her almost wishes he were here, just so they could talk about what happened.
Then again, she can’t even talk to people who are right in front of her.
Across the hall, Dalisay watches as Nicole stands on a ladder, hanging the last of the streamers across the door as acurtain. She’s been quiet all morning. Of course, she’s been working hard these past few weeks. The holidays are always hard at hospitals—broken bones, knife lacerations, food poisoning, firework burns. Hospital visit rates skyrocket this time of year, no matter what part of the world, and staff can only try to keep up. It’s almost a never-ending tsunami of emergencies. Their dad, a heart surgeon, always said that the holidays were the most stressful for people. It’s why he never made a fuss when he was in the hospital himself. He always understood. But Dalisay wonders if Nicole’s looking tired for other reasons. If only she could just talk to her, but Dalisay hasn’t been able to have a moment alone with Nicole yet, they’ve both been so busy. Overnight and Kaiser Permanente might as well be on different planets.
Before she can think of what she’d even say to her, Bernila marches over to Dalisay. “The balloons aren’t even done yet? People will be here in five minutes! Chop-chop!”
Before long, the party is in full swing, but something doesn’t seem right.
“Bernila said there were just fifty people, right?” Dalisay asks Daniel. Daniel silently counts them too.
“Yup,” he says. “This doesn’t look like fifty.”
There are at least two hundred people packed into the church hall. Either Bernila miscounted the RSVPs, or everyone decided to invite plus-threes and then some. The hall buzzes with conversation and laughter. There aren’t enough chairs for everyone, so pockets of people stand around the room or line up to play games in rounds. They totally underestimated how many people were going to show up.
“We’re not going to run out of food, right?” Daniel asks.
“I hope not …” She glances at the buffet table and sees that most of it has been picked clean. Nicole helps dole out desserts, but it won’t last long.
As if summoned, Bernila appears. “Dalisay!Saklolo!We’re all out of food! This is a disaster!”
“What do we need?” Daniel asks.
Bernila looks desperately at the hall. “Everything!”
“I’m on it.”
Just as he leaves, a new face enters the room, and Dalisay’s eyes immediately linger on the flash of auburn hair.
It’s the woman from the hospital. She’s wearing jeans and a leather jacket, and her hair is braided loosely down her back. A motorcycle helmet is tucked under her elbow. She lingers at the door, standing on her tiptoes, and cranes her neck, looking for someone. Probably looking for Nicole.
Nicole, meanwhile, notices the woman too, her eyes flicking to the door furtively, but she doesn’t go to meet her.
Dalisay counts out the seconds, waiting for her sister to go to her, but Nicole doesn’t move. It’s like she’s frozen in place.
“Come on, Nicole …,” Dalisay murmurs, but Nicole looks like she’s seen a ghost.
Dalisay doesn’t want this woman to feel like she’s unwelcome, so she winds through the crowd and greets her. The woman’s eyes land on Dalisay for a beat, doing the usual double take at the sight of Nicole’s twin, and then she smiles curiously.
“Hi!” Dalisay says, extending her hand. “I’m Dalisay.”
“Dalisay,” the woman repeats, shaking her hand. “Nice to meet you. I’m Claire.”
“Claire! Welcome! Come in! Don’t be shy.”
Claire smiles and her freckled nose crinkles when she does. She’s stunning.
“Are you looking for someone …?” Dalisay is fishing, seeing if she’ll get a bite.
“I know, it’s rude. I wasn’t invited. But, yeah, actually. I was in the neighborhood and wanted to stop by to see someone.”
“Oh! Well, this place is pretty crowded. I’m sure we’ll find them sooner or later. It’s no problem! Everyone is welcome.”
“Thanks!” Claire seems like a genuinely sweet person. Dalisay glances in Nicole’s direction, and Nicole remains frozen, watching the two of them.