Dad knows that if I have an issue with something, I have no problem with saying how it is. And he knows that if I end uptelling everyone what he had said, then it would come back to him.
He’s just lucky if it happens this way because I’m not so kind. Truthfully, I would love nothing more than to defy him for acting like this but I also know that I have to be careful.
“I think that I want to pursue him.” I explain to dad, and I notice how his jaw clenches, “but I won’t make any hasty decisions. I just think that you need to give him the opportunity to prove himself to you. Okay?”
Dad doesn’t look too sure, furrowing his eyebrows a little bit but he ends up sighing and nodding his head, “Okay, I guess I can't say anything else about it. Just don’t make a mistake, okay?”
I don’t know if it would be a mistake to be with Oakley but I did know that I didn’t care. Every part of me is ready to make sure that I’m going to be happy and I’m not going to let anything else stand in my way.
And with Oakley, I think it is going to be possible.
I want to tell him that.
I want to tell him how I feel.
I want him to know that he is the only one who can make me feel like this and then some. Nervously gnawing on my bottom lip, I look around and notice that he is gone.
Where is he?
“Well, it looks like he wasn’t that interested in you if he ended up running away.” Dad murmurs, a slight smirk on his face, “I think that it would be best if you just left it alone, Rowena. I’m sure you will find someone who is much more suited for you.”
I hated that, feeling sad because I really wanted to make sure that Oakley was going to be the one but I quickly decided that now, I’m not going to worry about it. If anything, I’m going to end up having to track him down but I don’t think it is going to be easy.
About an hour later,I head to bed since the party is slowly coming to an end and I feel like I need sleep. When I slipped inside, I wasn’t sure what I was going to see but I was more than just a little surprised when I saw Oakley sitting on my bed like he belonged there.
He looks up at me, a beautiful smile gracing his lips…
Crap, he is perfect.
Chapter Three
Patiently waiting for Rowena to get to her room was the hardest thing that I could have done so far. I didn’t know when she was going to show up but I did know that I wasn’t going to let her get away from me.
I’m almost certain that she could see the look on my face when she realized that she was mine but I was hoping that I’d be able to get something for it. I wanted nothing more than to claim her but I had to be patient.
I have to tell her the truth about me and what she is to me because if I don’t, I have a feeling she will run away from me.
And running is not going to be an option.
Licking my bottom lip, I hear the door to the room unlock and a split second later, it opens and I see Rowena standing there. She comes to a sudden halt, staring at me with wide eyes.
I’m not sure what she is going to say but she steps inside and quickly closes the door behind herself, making the door click shut. But she did make sure to lock the door behind herself.
“Are you crazy?” Rowena asks me, but she doesn’t seem upset, “You should be lucky that it wasn’t my father coming in here because he would have really hated you then. He is already skeptical of you.”
“I’m going to guess you have been talking about me?” I ask her since that is the most logical explanation, “I can promise you that I’m going to be the best thing that is ever going to happen to you.”
“I just don’t know why you are in here.” She tells me, her eyebrows furrowing a little bit, “And besides, how did you know which room was mine? I would have thought that it would have been a lot harder to find.”
I just shrug now, and smirk, “Did you forget that I am a shifter? I have heightened senses so finding your room wasn’t the hardest thing for me to do.”
“What kind of shifter are you?” She asks me, sitting down in the chair, “I think Dad said something about a Rogue but does that mean wolf?”
I just shake my head there, “No, I’m a dragon. I am a Rogue because I didn’t like how they were treating outsiders so I ended up leaving on my own. Unfortunately, that comes with the ‘Rogue’ title that will follow me for the rest of my life.”
“That’s stupid.” Rowena murmurs, “I don’t think that it should follow you just because you ended up having to leave for a reasonable excuse. Maybe the best thing for you to do right now is to just not worry about it. Don’t you think so?”