But when he looks at me, it is like he is seeing someone that he has loved his entire life. And loving him is enough for me because I know that we are meant to be together.
And I don’t think that I’m going to be able to stop this feeling any longer.
I’m trying to think of the right thing to do but I already know what I want.
“I like you a lot,” Oakley tells me, the diamond ring in his hand that makes me feel really odd, “and I can promise you that I’m going to always treat you well and you will NEVER have to worry about being alone. Not on my watch, Rowena.”
His promise is enough for me, and it makes me smile, reaching out and holding his hand like it is nothing I have ever felt before. I hold out my hand.
“Yes, I will marry you.” I tell him softly, like everything is perfect in a way that I could have never dreamed about, “I care about you so much, Oakley.”
This feeling is erupting inside of me, tempting me to do more as all I can think about is what is going to happen next. I don’t know if it is going to be fine but I did know that I wasn’t going to be able to stop it.
I didn’t WANT to.
I just want to make sure that we are going to be okay.
He slips the ring onto my finger before he cups my face in his hands, softly kissing me as our lips move in perfect sync. I feel perfect, like I’m never going to be able to hold back nor do I wantto. I can’t bring myself to care either, realizing that I’m enjoying everything he is doing.
But now I’m certain that no matter what I do, it is going to be with me by his side. I’m going to continue to love him and I’m never going to be able to stop it.
Especially when I know that he is the one person that I have to keep by my side.
That I’m never going to be able to stop loving.
Something tells me with him by my side, I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to. I just don’t know if he is going to feel the same way before it is too late…
I don’t know but I do know that it is going to be fine.
Chapter Eleven
Marrying Oakley was the best thing that I could have ever done, a peaceful feeling erupting inside of me that was ready for it all. I wasn’t sure how quickly things were going to go by until we were heading to our room to finish the process.
Although it didn’t feel like a process to me. I want to be with him so badly, like nothing I have ever felt before with anyone else. I want him to be mine and I want to continue to love him for as long as he is going to allow me to.
Because loving him has always felt right and I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to stop it. Not when I feel this much towards him and it feels like everything is going the way that I could have hoped it would.
Sometimes, things just go the way that I would hope it would but another part of me isn’t so sure about it. Sometimes I think that after everything that has gone on, I’ll be able to figure out just how much I’ll be able to do.
But when we step inside of the room, the door is quickly closed as Oakley kisses me, our lips moving in perfect sync aswe are being completely overtaken by the other. I can only wrap my arms around his neck and hold on, feeling the intense desire coursing through my veins.
Whimpering needily, I cling to him, wanting so much more but I don’t know what he is going to do to me. I don’t even know if it is going to be fine but I did know that I was going to enjoy it. Having him so close to me is an intense feeling that I don’t think that I could get rid of.
But I do know that I’m going to continue to make sure that he is going to be mine entirely.
“I want you.” I whisper, holding on tight so I won’t let him go, “I want you so badly, Oakley. I don’t ever want to let you go. Make love to me, please.”
With ease, he picks me up and carries me over to the bed where he practically shreds my dress off of my body using his clothes. While I’m standing stark naked in front of him, it is enough to make my heart skip a beat as I’m staring at him with shock.
I have no clue what he is going to do to me now but I did know that I was going to enjoy it. I didn’t want him to stop. I didn’t want to be away from him. I didn’t want to lose him either.
And the way he is looking at me tells me that I’m going to enjoy everything that he does to me with pleasure. Sitting down on the bed, I watch as he strips off his clothing, revealing every inch of his taut, smooth muscles.
After what feels like forever, his cock springs forth and my eyes widen with horror when I see how big he really is. That’s a monster if you ask me, and a part of me is a little worried that it is going to hurt when he finally takes me.
I don’t think he is worrying about that too much with the small smirk on his face as his dick twitches, showing off everything. Feeling the temptation coursing through my body, Iwas ready for it all, seeing how it was going to be everything that I could hope for.