My cheeks heat up. "That is so not the point."

"Mmhmm," she hums, unconvinced.

I busy myself with the grill, trying to ignore the knowing looks my regulars are exchanging.

"Anyway," I say, desperate to change the subject, "who wants to hear about my new special? It's a real knockout."

As I launch into my description of Seaside Surprise Tacos, I push thoughts of Mr. Disaster to the back of my mind. I've got hungry customers to feed and a business to run.

But deep down, a tiny part of me wonders if I'll ever see him again.

Not that I want to, of course.

Definitely not.


I flip the "Closed" sign on Bessie with a sigh. Time to trade my apron for my concerned citizen hat.

"Later, beautiful," I pat my truck, careful to avoid the dent. "Try not to miss me too much."

The community center is a short walk away, and I can already see folks heading in that direction. Small town life … Town meetings are like our version of the Oscars.

"Skye! Wait up!"

I turn to see my best friend, Zoey, jogging towards me, her red hair bouncing with each step.

"Cutting it close, aren't we?" I tease as she falls in step beside me.

Zoey rolls her eyes. "Says the girl who's still wearing her 'I Heart Tacos' t-shirt to a town meeting."

I look down. Oops. "Hey, at least I remembered pants this time."

We both crack up, remembering the Great Pajama Incident of 2022. Let's just say the whole town got a glimpse of my flamingo boxers that day.

As we enter the community center, it's like walking into a beehive of chatter.

Mayor Thompson's already at the podium, droning on about... something. I hear:

"...and that's why we need to discuss the preservation of our local businesses."

Well, that got my attention real quick.

"Before we dive in," Mayor Thompson continues, "I have some news to share. As you all know, Drew Bellamy, part-owner of Seaside Inn, couldn't be here today."

My ears perk up at the mention of Drew. He's a good guy, even if he is disgustingly rich.

"Well, I'm thrilled to announce that his wife, Meg, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl two days ago! Mom and baby are doing fine."

The room erupts in cheers and applause. I can't help but grin. Meg and I have a long history; we grew up together here in Seaside Cove.

"Way to go, Meg!" I whoop, a bit too loud. A few people turn to look at me, but I don't care. This is big news!

"No way!" Zoey squeals.

I grin. "That's amazing! I'll have to send her a 'congrats on pushing out a tiny human' taco platter."

We make our way through the crowd, stopping every few feet to chat. It's like a game of social ping-pong.