“Thanks,” I said, a slight quiver in my voice.
Sarah rushed over to me and damn near tackled me, wrapping me in a solid bear hug, as tears streamed down her face. I shushed her and placed my hand on the back of her head. I stroked her hair as I stared at the man in front of me.
“What now?” I asked him, aware of the significance of the question.
Damon looked to the sky as it began to lighten. The sun would soon rise as it always had. Constant. Consistent. Steady.
“I watched this war from afar for too long. Ilanis and Grim betrayed me because I let brother after brother, vampire after vampire betray and murder each other.
"Betray you?" I asked.
"I’ve set things in motion to end it all. They knew my true identity the entire time. I've had them in strategic locations gathering information, but when they were confronted, I believe they gave me up to Duradel. I don't believe he knew I was alive. I believe they saw an opportunity and tried to take it. I need people I can trust with my life. The time for betrayal is over. I’ve infiltrated Shaye at every opportunity, posing as different warriors to assemble those people. When Ian came to murder me, one of my followers volunteered to take my place. Everyone with me is willing to lay down their lives for me, to end this.”
He met my eyes and looked deep. “You are different. Cassie was my love, but you? You are my flame. You make me want to burn bright again. You are my ignition. You make me not only want to end this war but to live again in this world.
“But until I deal with Duradel, Shaye will continue to be splintered. You ask me what’s next. Here it is. I have some people I want you to meet. We have a safehouse stashed away at the top of a mountain. I will bring you together, and soon, I will unite our clan and bring all my vampire children back under my protection. Cassie, Kiara, and Mathias, better enjoy the time they have remaining. They’re on top for now, but as I always say…
“Nothing is secure.”