Leave it to Teresa to be straight-forward and all-knowing.
Out of all humans, it’s no secret that you are my favorite, so I got you a friend. This is Feliz. He is to be to you what you were to me—your everything. Feliz might appear to be very much like you—stubborn. Hardheaded. Grumpy. Rough around the edges. But I’m sure he’s also like you, too, when a person gets to know him. Soft. Gentle. Kind. Caring. A best friend.
I couldn’t think of a better pairing. May you each soften one another.
Treat him well, and he’ll treat you well.
I love you, my favorite nephew.
After I finished reading the letter, I folded it up and grumbled under my breath. “Listen, I get that my sweet, great-aunt was a bit clueless about who I actually was but—” When I glanced up, I realized the guy who dropped off Feliz had darted for his car after he set down a bucket of Feliz’s supplies on top of his leash to hold the dog in place. “Hey!” I shouted, tossing my hand up in frustration. “Are you kidding me?!”
“Good luck!” the guy hollered from his rolled-down window as he drove past me. “And sorry for your loss, dude!”
As if my day couldn’t get any worse. I crumpled the paper, shoved it into my back pocket, then stared down at the dog. I moved closer. The dog growled and lunged at me as if it were going to take my hand off.
“Whoa!” I spat out, seeing the aggression in the dog’s eyes. “Tatiana!” I yelled. Seconds later, she came out onto the sidewalk.
“Yes, Alex?”
“Tell Sammy to take over the kitchen for the night. I have some things to handle.”
“Of course.” She smiled at me and then toward Feliz. “He’s cute, isn’t he?”
“Like a hairy rat,” I muttered.
I couldn’t help but wonder if Teresa meant I was her least favorite human alive as opposed to her favorite. That ugly, fluffy creature gave me more hate vibes than love. As I tried to approach the dog to figure out how to place it in my car, I circled it repeatedly as it growled at me. A beautiful dance we partook in. One I wished would end.
Thirty minutes ago, I received an S.O.S. text message from Avery in our sister group chat.
Emergency meeting. Peter’s NOW!
I was about to put on a mud mask.
I don’t care. Hurry up. It’s important.
Important enough to have to put my bra back on?
Yes. That important.