“No.” He interjected. “Don’t tell me you’re a person who enjoys spoiling the ending of books. I’d like to see how each chapter plays out day by day.” He stood from the table and walked over to me, pulled out my chair and offered me his hand.
I stood to my feet, my mind swirling with thoughts I wasn’t certain how to unpack just yet solely from the touch of his hand. Perhaps it didn’t need to be unpacked right then and there. Maybe the current chapter of us could simmer and heat up a little longer within my thoughts.
“Thank you for everything,” I said to him as I walked to the front door. “Clothing and all,” I said, gesturing to the outfit he’d given me.
“Don’t say that unless you mean it,” I joked. “Because I will steal all your sweats.”
“Well.” He gave me a slow once-over, his gaze traveling from my feet up to my eyes. He opened his front door and quirked his lip. “They look better on you, anyway.”
Alex, Alex, Alex, don’t make me blush.
I sighed. “Can we pretend I have another eyelash so I can make another wish?”
He swiped at my cheek, held his finger in front of my mouth, and showed an invisible lash. “Go for it.”
I shut my eyes and murmured in a low voice, “I wish Mr. Black and I could become friends someday.”
I blew against his finger.
I lifted my lids to find his brown eyes locking with mine. He inched forward, his thumb grazing his lower lip. He was so close that our faces met in a soft collision as his breath caressed the curve of my ear. His intimate whisper sent shivers skipping down my spine. “Your wish is my command.”
* * *
As I walkedtoward the elevator from Alex’s apartment, I turned around once and caught him looking at me. He hurried into his apartment, almost appearing bashful about being caught. I liked that. I liked how he looked at me when he thought I wouldn’t notice. There was a gentleness in his stare that I hadn’t witnessed before. A softness to him that he was slowly unraveling for me to see.
I felt as if I was walking on cloud nine the whole trip to my apartment—until I found Cole and Cocoa sitting outside my door.
My stomach knotted.
“Cole. What are you doing here?” I asked.
He stood, scooping Cocoa into his arms. He narrowed his eyes. “Looking for you. You weren’t at the park for the trade this morning.”
“I know. I overslept and—wait. How long have you been here? And how do you know where I live?”
“I was worried, so I did some digging and found out.”
“What?!” he barked. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was unacceptable to be worried about your well-being. But based on your attire, you were just fine and being irresponsible with picking up Cocoa.”
I glanced down at Alex’s sweatpants and sighed. “I’m sorry I was late.”
“You should be. Messing with Cocoa’s schedule isn’t good.”
I rolled my eyes. “I’m pretty sure Cocoa will be just fine. Right, girl?” I said as I took her into my arms. Arms that she freely leaped into as she wagged her tail. “Goodbye, Cole.”
“Who is he?” he questioned.
“Don’t play stupid, Yara. You show up looking like shit wearing some dude’s oversized clothes. Who is he?”
I laughed to keep from saying something rude. “We aren’t doing this, Cole.”
“Was it that British guy? What, he stands you up, so you end up screwing him instead? Real classy, Yar.”