I chewed. I moaned. I swallowed.
“That is…” I moaned some more as I shoved more food into my mouth. “I want to make love to this food,” I said with a stuffed mouth. How did he do that? How did he cook like this?
Alex sat back in his chair, pleased. “And that is the best birthday present you could’ve given me.”
I pouted. “It makes me sad that I don’t have a gift for you.”
“It makes me sad that that would make you sad. It’s not a big deal.”
We spent the next few hours discussing our fake dating, drinking wine, and eating cake. The best cake I’d ever had in my life, mind you.
“My basket at the festival will seem very underrated compared to this meal,” I said as I stood to clean up the mess. Alex placed his hand against mine and stopped me.
“I’ll clean it up. You relax.” I went to argue, but he stopped me. “It’s my birthday wish.”
I laughed. “To clean up after me?”
“To take care of you.”
His hand was still against mine and the flutters in my stomach intensified within me. “Alex?”
“I think you’re a better fake boyfriend than most real boyfriends.”
“I aim to please,” he joked, picking up my plate. He leaned in closer, brushing his face slightly against mine as he whispered in my ear, “And just so you know. I can’t wait to eat everything in your picnic basket tomorrow.”
And just like that, I realized it to be true.
I had a crush on Alex Ramírez.
The following afternoon, Main Street was in a frenzy with the excitement of the festival. I could smell corn roasting as tents were set up for all the different vendors in town.
Keri helped close the shop early, so we could all celebrate the start of autumn in our town. Fall was in the air, and I couldn’t help but feel as if I was stepping into the next season of my life.
“So are the rumors true about you and Alex?” Keri asked as I stepped outside with my picnic basket in my hands. She had her own smaller basket, which she was putting up for auction, too.
“It seems we are…something,” I stated. I didn’t even think that was a lie. No matter what, I felt some odd pull toward Alex. Something about him as of late only made me want to discover more. What was his favorite holiday? Did he like road trips? If he could travel anywhere in the world, where would he go? Did he feel the feelings I’d been feeling, too?
That last question was the one I was most interested in getting to know.
“I think this is great, Yara! I know your past relationship was hard on you, and you deserve a happy ending. Things with Cole didn’t seem the best.”
“They weren’t,” I agreed. “I’m just happy to be in a better place.”
“Yeah. It seems he’s looking to move on, too, right?” she asked.
I huffed out laughter. “Cole? Yeah, right. He’s still oddly convinced we’re getting back together.”
“Really? I heard he was seeing someone…” Her words faded off and she shook her head. “But those were just rumors. You know how this town is. Gossip and hearsay.”
“Yeah, I do. But if he is seeing someone else, I pray for her. Because just a few hours ago, he was trying to get back with me. It was clear he was pretty jealous of the Alex situation, too.”