“I don’t need charity, Mrs. Stutts.”

“It’s not charity, Jaycee. You’ll be working, just hopefully under much better circumstances. I think you’ll find the pay and benefits much better than anything else you’ll find in this city. Come in and talk to us about them.”


“Is tomorrow morning good? Say, nine?”

“I’ll be there. Thanks, Mrs. Stutts.”

Jaycee ended the call and sat looking at her phone as if it was some foreign object. It was as if everything had gone to complete shit and then, magically righted itself again. If she was uncertain about that, it was confirmed when she met with Mrs. Stutts the following morning. The package they were offering was lucrative and she accepted on the spot. Walking down the hall, she stopped by to see Val, relieved to find she was still there.

“Girl! I’m so glad to see you. Things have been crazy here! They cleaned out two thirds of the legal department and half the management team. Where are you coming back in at?”

“Same place but working for Nasteau’s niece.”

“You’ll love her. She’s not a pushover but she’s fair. The two of you will get along great.”

“I hope so. I just met her, but she was in a hurry to get to some meeting, so I didn’t get much chance to talk to her. I’ll start back in the morning. She said we’d sit down then and go over everything she expected and my training program. I’m so excited about that. Old man Nasteau didn’t want me to do anything but fetch.”

“I know. Remember? I survived him too. I’m glad you came out on top. I’ve got to get down to a meeting, but I’ll see you tomorrow. Okay?”

“See you tomorrow.”

Jaycee left and went straight to Thad’s office. She looked around at the marble and glass in the lobby. It was very rich. She’d never been here before and felt a little awkward about turning up unannounced, but she was excited and wanted to share her news with him.

“You can go up. Take the elevator to the fifth floor and go to the end of the hall, toward the left. It’s the office there.”

“Great. Thanks.”

She didn’t have to find his office, though. He met her at the elevator doors and walked back with her.

“This is a surprise. What are you doing here?”

“I came to tell you some good news. I couldn’t wait.”

“Well, I’ve got some time. Come on in,” he said, walking her down the hall and through the open doors.

Jaycee told him all about her meeting with Marilyn Stutts this morning. He was excited for her.

“Are they going to be upset when they find out you’ve made babies with the man who punched your former boss in the nose?”

“I don’t think so. I think they were all pretty horrified by his behavior too, including his own niece. That’s why they are taking me back in.”

“Well, I’m proud of you. This demands a celebration. How about we go to lunch?”

“Sounds great.”

“Listen, I want to take you somewhere this weekend. Are you up for a little adventure?”

“Sounds enticing. Yes.”

“Great. Let’s go grab a bite and then I’ll drive you home.”

“No. I think I’ll stay in town for a bit. I want to do some shopping. You’ve seen my place. I can afford to buy a few things now.”

“Well, I’d love to go with you, but I have a meeting in a couple of hours. I can give you Barron and the car though.”

“Thanks, but I’ll be fine. I’m more of a bus, train or cab kind of girl, really.”

“Of course. The offer stands, though, if you need him. Bags can get heavy.”

“I’ll keep it in mind,” she told him, walking out with him.

Barron was parked by the curb, waiting for them. He smiled as they climbed into the back.

“I didn’t know I was getting the whole family today,” he chuckled.

“I didn’t know Thad had told you.”

“He did.”

“Was I not supposed to?” Thad asked.

“I’m surprised you didn’t take out a billboard,” she laughed.

After lunch, Barron dropped her off near the shops she wanted to visit before taking Thad back to his office. Things seemed to be looking up. Perhaps, she had been wrong, all along. Maybe, she could have it all. A career. A family. Love.

She bought some new linens and then decided to duck into a nearby lingerie shop. It wouldn’t be much longer before her body would change and she wouldn’t be able to wear anything skintight, so she decided to splurge on a hot, little latex teddy with thigh highs and a fun pair of fuzzy handcuffs. She was all smiles as she walked back out into the sunshine.CHAPTER TWENTY-SIXThad

“Wow, you’ve really been busy here today,” Thad said as he walked into Jaycee’s apartment later that night. “And what is that smell? It’s wonderful.”

“Baked ham with potatoes and green beans.”