“I’m in Carnation.”

His heart sank. Had she decided to just go back home after all that had happened?

“What are you doing there?”

“My father is very sick, and my mom asked me to come see him.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Do you need me? Or do you need anything?”

“No. I’m fine. Thanks. I just wanted to let you know where I had gone, so you weren’t concerned.”

“I see. Okay then. Just call me if you need anything. Okay?”

“Okay. Thanks.”

Her tone was flat, non-plussed. There was no warmth and he feared she was already beginning to fade away from him again, now that the rut had passed. Would this be how it was between them for the rest of their lives? Would she only be with him when her body could not stave off its desire for him?

His mood was sour, but he needed to move past it. They were going to have to work as a team for the sake of their children and that was something he’d need to address with her too. No way was he letting children of his try to get by on whatever shitty job she could muster after the incident at Nasteau’s. She wouldn’t want his help. He knew that, but he’d have to find a way to get her to accept it, not for herself but for their kids.

He called Randy into his office and went over everything with him, asking him how to set up something for her without her viewing it as charity. Randy had never been married. His litters were by three different moms in two different packs, neither of which theirs

“I’m pretty sure I’m the last person to give you relationship advice,” Randy laughed.

“I’m not asking you for relationship advice. I’m asking you how to set up a fund for the kids that she won’t refuse.”

“Simple, just call it child support. Women who don’t want your money, won’t take it for themselves, but they will take it for the kids. Just make it generous enough to take care of them, and her, if that’s what you want. Is she trustworthy with the dough?”

“Yes, I believe so.”

“You need to know so. My first litter, I gave up a generous child support settlement, and she spends it all on her boytoys. The kids turn up at my house in rags and a handful of bills for things she sent for me to pay for them. Nothing I can do about it. You gotta pay for kids. So, if you trust her, pay her generously. If you don’t, keep the payout to the least amount possible and just do what you need to directly.”

“Sounds pretty fucking pessimistic.”

“Hey, you asked.”

“I trust her, and I want her to be comfortable. She’ll take care of our kids. I want to skip the courts and just draw up a private agreement. Take care of it?”

“Sure. Just give me an amount.”

“Twenty thousand a month.”

“That’s crazy.”

“Maybe. Just do it.”

“When does it start, with the birth of the kids?”

“No. Immediately.”

“And you think this woman who doesn’t want your money is just going to accept it without a problem?”

“No, but I’ll figure it out.”

“All right. I’ll get it done.”

Several days went by with no word from Jaycee. He hadn’t realized just how strong their connection was. He felt a pull toward her just as strongly when she was a few dozen miles away as he did when she was only a few miles across town. He wanted to go to her, but after what had happened with Aaron, he didn’t want her to think he was a stalker and drive her further away.

Maybe this was karma kicking him in the ass for all the women he’d dated who wanted something more that he couldn’t give them. Now, he was the one that wanted more. He was the one that kept hoping and getting shot down. He was going to get a family, but not like he’d intended it to be.

He was jolted from his thoughts by the sound of his phone ringing. It was Jaycee. He answered it, eager to hear her voice, but all he heard was sobbing.

“Jaycee? What’s wrong?”

“My father died.”

“Oh, God. Honey, I’m so sorry. What can I do for you?”

“Can you come here? I need you.”

It felt like the weight of the world had suddenly lifted from his shoulders. She needed him. Maybe it was just for this moment, but it was a start.

“I’m on my way,” he said.

“No. Not now. It’s late and I don’t want you on the road. I’m going to bed. In the morning, okay?”

“I can come now, Jaycee.”

“Thank you, but I don’t want anything to happen to you on the road. Just wait until daylight. Please?”


“Promise me.”

“I promise.”

“I’ll see you in the morning,” she said quietly.

It was all he could do not to break his promise. He wanted so badly to be with her right now, but he would do as she asked. He went ahead and got a small suitcase packed and headed out at the first sign of light, making it to Carnation in record time.