“Detective Tom Oliver. This is my partner, Detective Jared Horowitz. May we come in and speak with you?”

“I guess,” she replied, letting them in and closing the door behind them. They looked around and then back at her.

“Is there somewhere we can sit and talk?”

“Um, just have a seat on the sofa if you like. I’ll stand. What’s this about?”

“It is our understanding that you were fired by Gary Nasteau earlier today.”


“Are you aware that he was found murdered in his backyard this evening?”


They both looked surprised, glancing at one another and then back up at her.

“You are?”

“Yes. I do get the news here. I just saw it moments ago on my tablet.”

“Oh. I see. Can you tell us where you were today between about five and seven pm?”

“Here. I came home and laid on my sofa. I fell asleep for a while.”

“Can anyone corroborate that?”

She scratched her head and thought about it, finally realizing that Aaron might have unknowingly done her a favor. She picked up her phone and glanced at it, then held it out to the officer.

“I was here, accepting a TV delivery just before six ten. This is the guy that sent it, asking if I got it right after it arrived,” she said, holding out her phone for him to see.

“And before that?”

“Like I said, here - alone. I’m sure the cameras downstairs will show me coming in and not going back out.”

Thank God for security footage.

“We’ll check into all of that. Your friend. What is his name?”

“Aaron Golding.”

“The artist?” one of them asked.

“Yes. That one,” she replied.

There was another quick glance between them and then they stood to leave. She walked them to the door and opened it.

“One thing. Mr. Nasteau, how do you know it wasn’t just some sort of accident?”

“Accidents don’t leave a man ripped to shreds like a wild animal got hold of him,” Detective Horowitz replied, garnering a sharp look from his partner. He quickly added, “You’re not a suspect. We just needed to eliminate you for the record. We’re pretty sure we’ve already got the guy who did this. He had assaulted Mr. Nasteau earlier.”

“Oh, that’s good then. Let me know if you need anything else.”

“We will,” they replied, almost in perfect unison.

Jaycee closed the door and leaned against it for a moment. What a weird day. Nasteau was a complete asshole, but she hadn’t wished death on him, especially not such a horrible death. It was especially strange that he would have been attacked by a wild animal like that, especially in his own yard. Of course, it might not have been an animal at all, but to think it was another shifter was just too far-fetched.CHAPTER TWENTYThad

“I just got home. What is this about?” Thad demanded.

“Where did you go after you were bailed out of jail this afternoon, Mr. Ulrich?”

“I came home, Detective ... Horowitz, was it?”

“Straight home?”

“No. I had dinner first.”

“Can anyone corroborate that?”

“Yes. My driver. He ate dinner with me tonight. It had been a dreadful day. You know, after getting arrested and all.”

“Did you leave after you got home?”

“Yes. I went for a run.”

“What time?”

“I don’t know, about five or six. What is this about, anyway?”

“Did your driver go for a run with you too?” the other detective said sarcastically.

“What? No. Don’t be absurd. Listen, tell me what this is about or get out of my house. I can have my lawyer here within minutes if I need to call him again.”

“Why did you punch Mr. Nasteau today?”

“Because he’s a dick and he deserved it.”

“Care to elaborate?”

“No. I don’t. Like I said, unless you tell me why you’re here, we’re done.”

“Mr. Nasteau is dead. He was found in his yard, ripped apart by some sort of instrument, and so far, our estimated time of death seems to coincide exactly with your little run, so you might want to drop the attitude and answer our questions.”

“You think I killed him? Are you fucking kidding me?” Thad grunted at them.

“Give us one reason we shouldn’t believe you did. You punched the guy for some unknown reason, and you can’t account for your whereabouts during the time of the murder.”

“Look, he insulted a friend. I was defending her honor. That’s all.”

“Jaycee Carmichael?”

Thad raised an eyebrow toward Horowitz at the mention of her name. Jesus, it hit him. They said he had been ripped apart by some sort of instrument. It was human speak for every wolf attack he’d ever seen take place in their world. They had no concept of what they were looking at. Had Jaycee done this? Was she even capable of such a thing?

“I don’t have anything else to say. You can arrest me, or you can talk to my lawyer. Leave my house.”

“You’re not doing yourself any favors by being uncooperative, Mr. Ulrich.”

“Fuck you. Get out of my house. Now.”