I chew my lower lip, as I hide and watch them. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have encouraged Vicky into ditching the boring black suits. I should’ve known better. Hal is just as intimidating as his boss.
“A big deal?” Hal’s tone escalates, his irritation obvious. “This isn’t just about dress code. It’s about maintaining a level of professionalism. You’re not just any staff member; you’re under my watch.” He uncrosses his arms and steps closer, cornering her against the wall. “And if you’re going to work under me, you follow the rules I set. No exceptions. Clear?”
“Crystal.” She gives him a tight-lipped smile. “Anything else,Chief?”
Hal’s eyes narrow as he takes in her defiant smile. “Just make sure you keep it that way,” he says, his voice low. “One misstep and there’ll be consequences.”
Vicky gives him a quick, mocking salute before turning to leave. As she moves past him, Hal grabs her by the elbow, his grip firm.
“Not so fast,” he says, his tone colder. “Mocking me won’t get you anywhere. You’re to go back to your room and change into something appropriate.”
Vicky’s eyes flash with anger. “You can’t be serious!”
Hal’s grip tightens slightly as he looks at her with authority. “Oh, I’m quite serious,” he replies, his voice steely. “Now, go change before this escalates further.”
“What’s wrong with my clothes?” she demands, frowning. “I’m completely covered—no skin showing. It’s smart casual for goodness’ sake!”
Hal’s expression darkens. “Smart casual? Are you dressing this way for someone in particular? Someone who might appreciate this... look?”
She wrenches her arm away and glares at him. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“I think you know exactly what I mean.”
“Are you implying I’m doing this for someone other than myself?” She laughs bitterly. “So what if I am dressing for someone?” she snaps, her voice sharp. “What’s it to you? Are you really that bothered by who I choose to impress?”
Hal steps closer, his jaw tightening. But before he can say a word, I step into the hallway. “That’s enough, Hal.” I interject. I turn to Vicky with a warm smile. “You look great, Vicky. Like always.” I shift my gaze back to him, my tone hardening again. “And as for you, Hal,Iasked Vicky to dress casually while she accompanies me for volunteering. She’s doing important work with me while sheprotectsme, and the last thing she needs is to be harassed over her clothing.”
Hal’s expression falters as he takes in my words. Now that he knows it was me who allowed Vicky to dress casually, he has no reason to blame her. He gazes at her briefly then gives me a curt nod before leaving.
Once he’s gone, I gently take her trembling hand in mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Are you okay?”
She nods, but her movements are stiff.
“I can see why you wished to swap roles with him. Hal was a total jerk to you. Has he always treated you like this?”
Her shoulders slump. “I don’t know why he hates me so much...”
“That’s just Hal for you. Working with my husband has made him tough and insensitive. They’re both so entrenched in their own harsh standards and lack of empathy that they expect everyone else to measure up. It’s not about you—it’s just how they are.”
“You were incredible, Vicky. Standing up to him like that took serious guts. I’m really proud of you.”
After all, I know how much inner strength it takes to be brave and stand up for yourself. I’m still learning that myself.
“You really think so?” she whispers. “I was so scared... but I just couldn’t take it anymore.”
“You’re one of the toughest women I know, Vicky. The way you tackled Melissa last night without even blinking, then laid into her like that? You didn’t hesitate for a second to protect me. You’ve got nothing to be scared of—you’re the best at what you do, and I’m so grateful to have you as my bodyguard and my friend.”
Vicky’s eyes soften, and a small smile graces her lips. “Thank you,” she murmurs. “That means more to me than you know. I just… I just want to keep you safe, no matter what.”
I squeeze her hand again, my heart warming at her words. “You’ve always had my back, Vicky, and I appreciate it more than I can say. I’m really lucky to have you in my corner.”
I pause, my expression turning serious. “As for Hal... If you want, I can talk to my husband about how he’s been treating you. It’s not right, and you don’t have to deal with it on your own.”
Vicky squares her shoulders, a fierce determination in her eyes. “Thanks for offering, but being compliant with him hasn’t gotten me anywhere. It’s time I start pushing back and stop taking his crap lying down.”
I nod, impressed by her determination. “I understand. Just know I’m here if you need any support.”
Vicky gives me a firm nod, but then her expression shifts suddenly, a flash of worry crossing her face. “I must inform Mr. Montgomery about last night.”