Page 99 of My Ruthless Husband

I catch a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes as he glances at the unfamiliar appliance. What is he doing? He seems oddly out of place in the kitchen.

He rummages through the fridge, pulls out a bunch of fruits.



He doesn’t look at me as he goes looking for something in the cabinets.

“What are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?” he says without glancing my way. He is making me a smoothie. I thought he would ask someone else to do it or send Hal to buy one but he’s doing it himself. I’m so stunned that I don’t make a single comment when he begins throwing in leafy vegetables in the blender too.

I’m still mute while he pours the smoothie into the stainless-steel tumbler.

“Here,” he says, finally looking up. I can’t stop myself from climbing off the stool and rounding the counter. The second I’m close, I clasp the sides of his face and kiss him with all the love I possess in my heart.

Damian doesn’t mind in the least because he wraps me in his arms and holds me tight against him.

Reluctantly, I break the kiss. “I have to go,” I whisper against his lips. I melt when he tightens his arms around me. Stroking his smooth skin, I gaze up at him lovingly. Then give in to the temptation and kiss his lips softly again. Then kiss his nose.Then his long lashes. Then his forehead before pressing one last kiss on his chin.

“I love you.” I smile sappily as I tell him.

He looks at me with burning possession in his eyes. Then crowds me against the counter, pressing his hard body to my soft one. “Again.”

Still smiling, I comply, “I love you—” he catches the word in his mouth and makes me repeat it again before handing me the cup.

“Taste it,” he urges me when I am about to turn.

Smiling, I do and immediately my eyes water. It starts sweet, but then there’s this tangy kick that hits me, followed by a weird bitter aftertaste. Smothering the urge to cringe, I force a smile. “Mmm.”

“Okay?” he asks and I nod frantically.

“Yes, I love it.” I take another sip.

He narrows his eyes. “Let me have a taste.”

I step back. “Nuh uh. Not happening, sir.” I shake my head. “My boyfriend made this for me. I’m not going to share.” Walking back, I grab my satchel then start running toward the door. “I’ll see you in the evening!”

When I’m inside the car, I stare at the tumbler. Then smile before bringing it to my lips.


After finishing the marketing class, I gather my belongings and slide my laptop into my satchel. Though tired, I am excited as I navigate the bustling hallways. As I step out of the building, the sunlight baths me with its warmth.

Just few more hours and I’ll be with Damian again. I smile up at the sky. Damian’s smoothie was bitter but healthy and it gaveme enough energy to survive the classes. But now I’m hungry. Should I grab a quick bite or head straight to the library?

I’m contemplating my choices when suddenly, a familiar voice calls out my name. “River!”

Turning around, I see dad standing there in a perfectly tailored grey suit. His eyes are covered in sunglasses. His presence exudes confidence and charm, causing a few heads to turn as he walks over to me. I greet him with a mix of surprise and delight.

“Hey, Dad!” I say as he envelops me in a warm hug.

“How’s my favorite person in the world doing?”

“Surviving,” I chuckle, adjusting my satchel.

“How about we grab a coffee at that café over there?” Dad suggests, gesturing toward the café I frequent.