It only took a few hundred dollar bills to make one of the restaurant’s staff spill the beans.

Summer was fired.

I never misused my money, but for the very first I wanted to.

With great struggle, I tamped down the urge to buy this restaurant and run it into the ground.

My anger was aimed in the wrong direction, though. Meagan shouldn’t have done that. She threw the wine in Summer’s face thinking she would get away with it.

She assumed that because she knows Summer is powerless. She is right. Summer may be powerless but I am not.

After paying the server for the information, I drive straight to my office.

I was only hesitating because I didn’t want to ruin my mother’s friendship with her mother.

Letting Meagan talk me into going on a date with her was a wrong move on my end. I should’ve been stricter.

An innocent girl lost her job because of this.

She shouldn’t have used such a drastic solution to deal with Meagan. Whatever the case may be, Meagan shouldn’t have done that.

She’ll learn just how royally she fucked up.

I dial Ettinger as soon as I enter my office.

“Mr. Kim.” He answers on the second ring.

“Ettinger, I told you to do a thorough background check on Meagan Carver, correct?”

“Yes, and I did. Found lots of interesting things.”

“Good. Send it to me now.”

Two hours later, I lean back against my seat, feeling somewhat better.

This should put Meagan in her place. She didn’t leave me much choice.

Sometimes you have to receive retribution for your bad conduct.

Growing up, life wasn’t easy because of my Asian roots. I learned early on that good grades, kindness, and civility are not enough for society to accept you.

That’s why whenever I witness someone getting harassed simply for their looks or status, it sets me off. I despise people who treat the working staff at a restaurant or bar or any other localities like they are not humans. Like they are beneath them.

I lost what little respect I had for Meagan today.

On any other day, I would’ve simply cut ties with her and never looked back.

I wouldn’t have bothered going to the lengths of planning and plotting things. Because let’s face this. You can’t change the world by punishing a bunch of assholes.

So I usually do what is in my power. I walk away. Not this time though.

I did more than that. Because for some reason this feels personal. Because of Summer.

The image of Summer being vulnerable, her face covered in wine in a room full of people affects me adversely.

My mouth flattens into a line. I hate what she’s doing to me. The emotion that turns my stomach at the mere thought of her suffering humiliation like that.

If retaliating against Meagan’s actions by ruining her life makes me ruthless, then so be it. I never claimed to be otherwise.