“What are you implying?”

“They are not actors. They are specialists. I needed professionals for our date. Anyway, we have to postpone your photoshoot and get mine done.”

“Excuse me?” I was appalled he could suggest that.

He shrugged. “Not my fault they arrived early. If you decide to be difficult, then so will I. This way, no one would get their concept photoshoots done by tonight. We need to email the results to Victor by the end of the day. Or did you forget?”

The need to attack him makes my fingers curl in fists.

Did I say I was missing the sight of his dimples? I take that back. Because right now the douchebag is grinning at me, provoking me, challenging me to say something.

He did this on purpose. It was apparent in the way he was leaning against the door with his hands tucked in his pockets.

His body language was smug. Completely contrast with the expected grimness one should display if there was a work emergency.

“I am sure your concept is exceptional. After all, it came from the very generous and talented Hannah Cooper. Sad that you and your team have to wait for a few hours.”

He was taunting me by calling me generous because I mocked him about helping him with ideas.

Yes, I was indirectly accusing him of plagiarism. I was angry.

I forgot that my opponent is ruthless. He can do anything to win. Or get his revenge. He doesn’t care that he is making my life hell for it by creating unneeded complications.

This is his true nature. It never affected me before. And it wouldn’t now either.

“You are a piece of work, Raleigh Jackson.” That was all I muttered before throwing the one-piece swimwear on the bed.

I kept my mouth shut as he asked me to follow him to one of the oceanfront suites.

He didn’t let me contact my team. I needed to tell them personally about the delay.

They worked so hard and I wanted to say a few words of encouragement before disappearing for a couple of hours.

He informed me that the message was being delivered to them as we spoke.

I fought to keep my temper under control.

I was grinding my teeth when I was left with three women to doll me up.

I was asked to strip. They made me wear a bikini. When I questioned them about it, they just cocked an eyebrow. That made me livid.

The vow of secrecy. Raleigh had trained these women not to disclose any details about the date.

I was relieved when they handed me a plush robe to wear.

When I was ready, they escorted me to the room where the cameraman was setting up his equipment.

I was fidgety because we were in a bedroom and the setup looked awfully like a boudoir shoot.

My nervousness was hiked when Raleigh entered the bedroom wearing a white robe similar to mine.

When the photographer explained that we have to pose while looking out the glass wall, I was relieved. No bed was involved. They wanted to capture romantic moments of a couple deeply in love.

I was stiff when Raleigh was asked to cup my jaw.

I posed awkwardly every time he tried to touch me. Everything was weighing me down.

Our hands kept colliding, our heads kept bumping and I wanted to die of embarrassment.