I’ve known him for a year. One year isn’t enough to know everything about someone, especially if they are your sworn enemy. But I can tell that Raleigh is not a violent man.
The bruise literally had me concerned.
For a minute there, I forgot about our animosity. But then he reminded me why I shouldn’t be soft for him. He is a dickhead for pulling that stunt.
Kiss it better?
How about I punch it worse for you?
“Enjoying the party?” He raises an eyebrow, his lips twitching in amusement.
The rooftop bar is on the seventieth floor of the building in downtown Los Angeles. It gives a phenomenal view of the city and yet instead of lightening my dark mood, it’s adding to my irritation.
“I’m having the time of my life,” I say with a straight face.
He chuckles. “Where’s your drink?”
He glances at my hands which are now tucked in my jumpsuit’s pockets.
“I’m the designated driver.” I give him a tight-lipped smile which is equal to me saying fuck off.
“Not happening.” He shakes his head; his dark brown locks fall over his forehead. He needs a haircut. But long hair suits him.
I startle when Raleigh’s large palm settles on my lower back.
He strides toward the bar and I have to keep up with his pace.
“Two tequila shots,” Raleigh says to the bartender.
I snap my gaze at him. “I said I can’t drink tonight.” I grit my teeth together.
His hand abandons my lower back. He leans against the bar by resting his forearm on the counter. He then releases an exaggerated sigh.
“So, the rumors were indeed true.”
My body tenses. I feel my throat closing up. Crossing my arms, I ask, “What are you talking about?”
“Never mind, you don’t have to do the shots now.” He turns to the bartender when he places the small glasses in front of us.
I step closer to him. “What rumors?”
I hate it when people say something and stop without completing what they were planning to say. Why bother to even start if you didn’t mean to finish the conversation?
I know myself. It would drive me crazy with overthinking if I don’t get to the bottom of this.
There are enough controversial rumors about me and my family, I don’t need another to tarnish my reputation.
In this past year, I worked my ass off to rebuild my life so it could distinguish my past from my present.
He ignores me and reaches for the glass. Not so fucking fast. I clutch his wrist before he could pick it up.
His eyes slide up and lock on mine.
The mask he usually fools the entire world with slips and I see a glimpse of the real Raleigh.
His charming smile and blue eyes which often mesmerize everyone are just a façade. The one I am staring at right now is the real him.
Raleigh is watching me with a chilling gaze. He is watching me like he wants to wreck my world.