My friends, on the other hand, didn’t like our pair.
“You both lack passion. There’s no chemistry. He is too boring, Hannah.” I remember one of my friends saying that.
But he was good to me. Regardless of the distance, he never made me feel insecure. He always made time to call me once a day and visit every other week.
“To us.” I clink my glass to his and smile.
He smiles back, his thin lips stretching into a sweet smile.
I bring the glass to my lips but halt when my phone begins ringing in my clutch.
Resting the glass on the table, I reach for the clutch and fish out the phone.
“It’s Dad.” I smile at Andrew.
Dad and Mom were supposed to join us but they were running late.
They both are pure workaholics. I took the day off. I wanted to spend the whole day with Andrew.
He arrived yesterday and will be leaving tomorrow.
They promised they would wrap up the meeting and meet us here directly.
I wink at Andrew, clear my throat to make my voice a bit serious before answering the call. “You’re late—”
“Hannah.” I detect an edge to his voice. “I need you to go to our Southampton house right now.” There’s a rustling in the background before I hear car doors slamming shut.
“Dad? Is everything okay?” I sit straighter.
“I can’t explain it on the phone. Leave your car at the restaurant and grab a cab.”
I hear Mom gasping in the background before she says, “They’re following us, David.”
My blood turns to ice at Mom’s alarming words.
Pushing to my feet, I grip the phone harder. “What’s going on? You’re freaking me out.” I whisper shakily.
“There’s been a problem at work.” Then comes the sound of the horn. Mom speaks again. “Slow down!” And my heart begins pounding.
I storm out of the restaurant.
“Dad, I don’t know what is happening right now, but know that everything’s going to be okay. Mom is scared. Pull over and tell me where you are.”
It’s pouring outside. I don’t know what happened but Dad doesn’t sound to be in the right mind to drive. I need to get there.
I whirl around and catch sight of Andrew hurrying toward me, my coat and clutch in his hands.
I grab my clutch with a trembling hand.
“Dad? Can you hear me? I am coming. Where are you?” I ask as Andrew tries to yank me. Mom’s shouts continue to echo in the background.
Andrew grabs me by the shoulders.
“Will you tell me what the hell is going on? Why are you standing here? You’ll catch a cold.”
That’s when I feel the rain sliding down my face and soaking me to the bone.
“Hannah,” Dad speaks and I pull free from Andrew and press the phone harder to my ear.