Archer smirks. “Don’t let that fool you, Hannah. He only knows that one word. It means ‘yes’ and he tends to use it every chance he gets.”
“Do I?” Raleigh grins.
“That and a few swear words.” Archer’s mouth quirks in amusement.
“What? Why such discrimination! Even I want to learn them.”
Both of them ignore me and laugh.
When the server approaches our table with the order. Archer stops him when he begins with cutting and grilling the meat and takes over the task instead.
I am grateful that we enjoy the meal with laughter and easy conversation.
It’s our first dinner together. But it doesn’t feel like it.
Archer is our mutual friend. Because of my disliking Raleigh and vice versa, he always hung out with us separately.
As we push closer to the end of the night, I was surprised with how quickly the hours flew by. And with this realization comes the guilt.
So I sabotage the night when Archer suggests ordering another round of drinks.
I would love some liquid courage but I am already a little tipsy from Soju. I want to talk to him while I am sober.
“I am engaged.” I blurt. Raleigh chokes on a mouthful of drink, spraying the table in the process.
I take the glass from his hand and rub his back.
Raleigh grimaces and wipes his mouth on the sleeve of his t-shirt before glaring at me.
I give him an apologetic look and focus on Archer who is staring at us with his dark eyes.
“You are engaged, huh?” He arches an eyebrow. He was suspicious.
Archer is a man with the heart of gold but he is formidable when it comes to interrogations.
Be it a conference room or a cozy restaurant, Archer is always alert and watches you like a hawk. Nothing escapes his attention.
“To Raleigh.” I sit straighter.
I won’t let him see through me. I need to erect walls and hide my emotions.
With my poker face on, I loop my hand with Raleigh’s.
Archer doesn’t say anything.
He stares at us for one long minute before slowly his eyes travel down to my hand. Not the one which is still around Raleigh’s but the other one which is resting on the table.
My left hand.
Fuck, fuck, fuck! I forgot about the ring.
After the long silence, Raleigh finally finds his tongue. “We are going to choose one together.”
Archer tilts his head. “If this is some sort of a prank then you both have to work a bit harder to come up with a believable idea.”
Silence. I guess both; I and Raleigh have nothing to say.
“This is not a prank, bro,” says Raleigh.