Two years back, she lost her life fighting against meningioma. A slow-growing meningeal tumor.

Unsure of what to say, I remain silent, my throat tightening. I know what it feels like when you lose your loved one.

“She sounds wonderful,” Raleigh says softly. It’s meant for Victor but he squeezes my hand as if he sensed the melancholy that descended on me.

Victor allows himself one last second of sadness before he is back in business mode. “I’d like to hear your pitch in detail. I hope you came prepared.”

“Yes, we did.” Raleigh gives me one last squeeze before he fetches his laptop from his bag and explains the Three Rounds Campaign.

Victor looks impressed knowing that we are offering him two alternatives to choose from.

We obviously leave out the part about why Raleigh came up with three rounds. It is for our promotion.

The meeting is wrapped up on a happy note. Everyone is satisfied in the room.

Raleigh and I are content because we successfully signed Victor as our official client. Victor is ecstatic to have found the correct couple to represent his resort.

We are set to leave for Maui on Friday.

We have seven days to create magic.Ihave seven days to build the most romantic ad campaign. Better than Raleigh. If I want the promotion, I’ll have to.

I am going to give it my all and try to win, come what may. Because losing is not an option.

As we bid goodbyes and exit Victor’s office, my phone goes off in my hand.

“Archer.” Raleigh peeks at my phone as he falls into step at my side.

“I have to take this call.” I walk briskly but Raleigh doesn’t take the hint.

“Who’s stopping you?”You!Stop hovering. It’s on the tip of my tongue but I keep my mouth shut.

I answer the call before it can go to voicemail.

“Hannah.” Archer’s deep voice conveys his concern in two syllables.

I left him a message before coming here. The message was short that stated I wanted to meet tonight for dinner to discuss something.

While the gossip might have spread through the entire office building by now, I was hoping to personally deliver the news of my engagement at dinner tonight.

But I guess the gossip reached him before I had the chance to sit and talk with him.

“Archer, how are you this morning?”

Raleigh snickers beside me and I elbow him. The smartass snakes his arm around my elbow and guides me to the elevator.

“I am perfectly fine, Hannah. What’s going on? Several messages are circulating in the office’s group chat about you and Raleigh.” I grimace. What would he be thinking of me? Raleigh’s plan might deceive anyone but not Archer. He knows us too well. He can sense if someone is lying.

Convincing Archer will be challenging.

He had a front-row seat to our enmity. How can we deceive Archer aka Mr. Honest who inherits an ability to sniff liars out? Not to mention he hates liars with a passion.

“Are we still on for tonight?” I try to change the topic as Raleigh ushers me into the elevator.

“Yes, we are. But—” Raleigh’s breath into my ear robs my concentration.

“Are you meeting Archer after office?” He whispers and I press the phone to my chest. Pulling my hand from his grasp I scowl at him.

“Can you please be quiet for a minute?” I whisper-shout.