Brielle is a creative technologist on my team.

Like me, my entire crew hates Raleigh’s guts.

Not because they’re loyal to me. When you work with your whole heart and lose to your rivals, it’s natural to develop strong emotions toward them.

My team consists of ten people and everyone is present here. It’s kind of a tradition. We both compete for a campaign. Work our asses off on thesamecampaign. And then Archer selects the best one out of two.

The winner team throws a big party and the loser teamhasto attend.

Last month, we were the ones gloating and rubbing salt in their wounds.

Now, it’s our turn to swallow our pride and watch Raleigh and his team laugh and have the best time.

They picked a rooftop bar for tonight’s party.

The losing team; that is me and my people are sulking in expensive clothes in the corner. While the winners are playing some immature game of booze.

I turn my head toward Brielle, her mocha color skin glowing under the warm light of the restaurant. She is fidgeting with her long purple box braids.

“Let him,” I say calmly.

“I’m coming! Chris is calling me.” She motions to her back. Before she could run off, I object.

“Why do you always do that?” I raise an eyebrow.

“Do what?” she acts oblivious. But I know better.

“The whole running for the hills thing whenever Raleigh approaches me. Are you scared of him?” I ask genuinely.

“Girl, do you think I am gonna be scared of that guy?” she gestures to her curvy body. “I can snap him like a twig.” She deadpans and my lips curl.

“Then what’s the matter?”

“The tension between you two is hella suffocating. It’s so fucking thick you could slice it with his sharp jawline. Whenever you two are face to face, it looks like either you gonna wrestle to death or….” She makes a lewd gesture with her hand. And I swat her.

“Many at work are betting over you and him hooking up.”

“What the fuck?”

She nods. “Do me a favor. Please don’t. I am betting against it.”

“Enough. You can go now.” I wrinkle my nose. She laughs but winks before leaving.

Brielle is always joking and we enjoy her witty sense of humor. But I have to be strict with my team. They can’t just place a bet over something so ludicrous. Raleigh and I? Puke.


My eyes fall shut. Not because his low voice is arousing. His lips are closer to my ear than they should be. And I am mustering every bit of strength to hold on to my calm and keep my anger at bay.

Raleigh knows how much I despise it when he calls methat.

Ever since the day he witnessed my breakdown after my breakup in the office, he started using that term of endearment. But he uses it for a different reason.

He thinks of me as a spoiled princess. It didn’t take me long to figure that out.

He’s invading my personal space. Another thing I despise.

Over the span of one year, he kept an eagle eye on me.